I got a large box of 066 parts that were mismatched. The muffler problem has been solved. The ignition has been put into working order. Carburetor variations and choke linkages sorted out.
Now I got it running and decided to make it look better so ordered AM plastic. The part that holds the carburetor down is a large almost flat plastic piece. It is supposed to fit inside the box surrounding the carburetor. But it does not line up. I have three boxes that are all the same and will not line up. I have a fourth that is broken and lines up fine but the base will not line up on the fuel tank. Anyone else gone through this?
Now I got it running and decided to make it look better so ordered AM plastic. The part that holds the carburetor down is a large almost flat plastic piece. It is supposed to fit inside the box surrounding the carburetor. But it does not line up. I have three boxes that are all the same and will not line up. I have a fourth that is broken and lines up fine but the base will not line up on the fuel tank. Anyone else gone through this?