088 for a woods saw?

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Jan 13, 2002
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Has anyone done it? I thought about trying one for a while and seeing how I like it. I have never even seen an 088 myself, 084 I have.

How does one compare to an 066?
I would guess it's more of a macho thing than anything else. Kinda like the guy with 40" mudder tires and 12" lift on his pickup because he has a 100' dirt driveway.

Any time (measured in seconds) saved in the cut would have to be weighed against the additional weight of the saw, additional fuel usage, higher purchase cost, etc. etc. etc.

Sorry, Gypo. Nothing personal, just my opinion.
Brian, while you're right about the trade offs you have to admit that its fun to have that kind of power and speed:D
everyone needs more power, usually it comes with extra weight though. Power is macho and macho is good!!! Some people arent macho, thats why Husqvarna makes sewing machines also.

Like John in MA says "More power...Aargh..AArrgghhh" or something to that effect...:)
I have a 3120KD that would be similar to running that 088. And I am a testosterone junky like the rest, but the saws cuts so fast that I could straight cut from the back and not have the bar pinch. But the one time it started to pinch the saw pushed its way out of the cut and the pistal grip hit my leg. Now i only use it on a landing making 22" oak roll from the tork. :D

Arg man here. You need to remember something--I'm planted in suburbia. Tote this 111S around all day long and I'd be "My aching back! Ow, ow, ow."

I'm not sure I'd use something the size of an 088 as a woods saw.
The 088 is a real dog, but if you open the muffler it makes at least 20% more power. The 088 is only about 20 lbs or so, and most of us are packing that around as a spare tire anyway. Sure its a workout, but who cares on flat ground. Plus it makes the trees piss their roots and other woodcutters run for cover.
088 woods saw

Steve here...
I too have an 088KD. It's awesome. I am not a pro. When i do cut wood , weather it be to help out a friend or for free fire wood, or both. it takes no time at all to cut up oak or maple, or any other hard wood found in WI. When I show with the 88...everyone says wow is that saw heavy. At the end of the day, they say.. wow does that thing cut... I had an MS460, tried to go the non macho route. Sold it on ebay, couldn't get out of it's own way. My favorite is the 044 I saw for sale on ebay with a 36inch bar. Thats a joke. You guys that cut wood all day every day, I don't blame you for not carrying around a big saw. But for me it's a hobby and I enjoy it.
My two cents
Pullonit XXV
I agree with Steve I cut all day 10-12hrs and personally I don't want to be carrying a 21or22lb saw around plus wedges etc..The biggest saw I usually use is my 385 or 064 although I did just get a 3120XP but it's to heavy to use all day so I just use it for the bigger stumps and bucking.Big saws are nice to have but I don't think that there are too many that actually need them except for out on the Redwood west coast etc..

Later Rob...
A big saw is great (I have a 3120) while it's in the cut but the rest of the time it is slowly killing you and kicking your a$$ by dragging around all the extra weight. Only use her now for BIG cuts and milling. I grab the 288 for the other stuff. Probably gonna go smaller again and get a 372.

The big saws are fun to show to people and watch them fall on the ground when they try to pick it up.:D
For the most part an 088 may be a bit of overkill for a production faller when an 066 or 385 would be more than adequate, but this depends on several factors.
If your working for someone else on an hourly rate or otherwise just being paid wages, then why use an 088?
Most casual users are genuinely afraid of big saws, thus their attemps to make lil' saws look bigger by inflicting them with outlandishly long bars.
I guess what I am saying is that I use the 088KD because it supplies me with recreation. Its a real rush to use it plain and simple. It has no equal, at the stump or on the landing. It also plays host to ones sense of showmanship. So being the showoff and knowitall that I am, the 088 is just part and parcel of the program. Using a saw of any model requires finesse and a light touch, ( which I have reams of ), so I wouldnt suggest to the uninitiated or squeemish to ever invest in a modified or stock 088.
Pontification Pete
I use an 088 mainly for bucking and for the biggest trees in the woods,(maybe 3 or 4 per job site).At 30lbs. with 36 inch bar and chain and full of fuilds,it's just a chunk to carry around.It makes short work of anything you stick in front of it.
John at 20lbs. you must have carbon fibered your whole 088.:D Dan
Hi Dan, at full revs, the centrifugal force causes the saw to be 12 pounds lighter, but in the wood it weighs nothing!
Since centrifugal force is constant over the 360 degree arc of the crankshaft, how is a 12 pound weight reduction possible. You're bending the laws of physics again, John. Any fool knows that the weight of the 088 will increase by 6 1/2 lb at 15,000 RPM.
I don't mind the weight while cutting,it's just lugging it from tree to tree.jiml where you at in Indiana?I live in northern part just about 12miles north of Warsaw.Are you close?:D Dan
John I agree with everything you said when production felling you right you don't need anything bigger than a 066 or 385 I don't like lugging 25+lbs around all day.Thats is a very nice piece of cherry I think it's the biggest piece I have ever seen as a matter of fact there is'nt very many cherry tree's around here that size.

Later Rob..
you don't see cherry anywhere near that size down here. whats cherry going for right now??? i've been using my 460 for felling pines and oak down here but now that i have my 066G....:D