088 fouled plug, weak spark

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ArboristSite Member
May 2, 2001
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my new stihl 088 fouled its frist spark plug. i am running it full rich 32/1 with amsoil. put new plug in it and can"t get it to start. Check spark with my dogs toung did not get as much yelp as i would like. Had my son hold plug well i pulled saw, not much of reaction either. I can see blue spark must not be enough. what do you all think.

joemarty looking for new spark testers:D
Before spending a bunch of money on electrical parts, I'd try another plug. Sometimes duds run in batches, try another brand. I'd check gap on the flywheel/ignition module, matchbook thickness. Clean, good sparkplug wire, good connections, etc.
Your dog is getting old and your son's brain is fried from playing Nintendo 8 hours a day. Just a WAG.
Try new plug first. NO champions! I stick with Bosch religiously. Get 50 to 1 Stihl oil in it. We have not used 32 to 1 in 18 years. Richer is NOT better. Clean air filter.
If none of this works, get it back to the dealer.
no games in the house for kids. just teaching him a about life. what sparke plug do you like stihl tech number etc. saw was running fine when but away. next day no sparke. ing. parts have life time warranty wright?

Yes lifetime on ignition. I don,t remember the number of the plug, but a Stihl dealer only carries 3, one for saws, 1 for older cutoff saws, and 1 for older brushcutters.
Wait I found one. WSR6F.
stihl tech lets say spark plug dose not help. should i take it in for warrntey work.
lmao..treeman...good call...

Joe..have seen many an ignition work just great when tested...but not fire under compression...dont have a clue why...but it happens...same as plugs...same happens...:confused: ...personally I use Bosch as well.. refuse to use Champion as once an electrode broke partly off a new saw and..well...we all know powersaws love extra parts in the combustion chamber...Champion wouldnt cover it an neither would the manufacturer...until we made a serious fight over it...then the manufacturer coughed up...as if they shouldnt have to start with??? (this was many...10? years ago)
:D I see that joemarty gradiated from the same 'Hookd on Foneks' class as JPS! :laugh:

No offense intended, quit hittin' me!!! :blob2:
tree man you"ll must have same problem cents you can read it, knows whats it means.

:p joemarty stills needs that fire in saw to make work
Originally posted by Dennis
lmao..treeman...good call...

Joe..have seen many an ignition work just great when tested...but not fire under compression...dont have a clue why...but it happens...same as plugs...same happens...:confused:

One of my instructors told me that. Its because its harder for a spark to jump from one electrode to another under pressure. If you test your plug at atmospheric pressure and you see a spark, it doesn't mean to say it can spark when its put back in the cylinder and tried under compression. He had a test plug with an electrode gap of 4 mm or so. If that sparked at atmospheric, then the ignition was fine.

I use the old B&S spark tester with an adjustable gap. Simple and works every time. Keep the gap opened way up.
And yes, if that does not fix it, take it in for warranty.