10-10 Mc Culloch

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Tony Snyder

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 8, 2002
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East Central Illinois (Marshall)
I had the pleasure of running a customers 10-10 from the late 70s today. Really drove home the reality of how far we have come in 23 years.

No anti vibe, hard starting, rough running, noisy, slow, overweight. The good old days were not really so good, and to think they sold these things clear up to about 98.

A 2145 Jonsered just blew away the 10-10, quietly, and smoothly.

I had the 10-10 a few days to tune it up, sent the customer home with the 2145. He bought the 2145, and kept the 10-10 in case the new fangled machine gave out.
Using McColluchs causes hearing damage in the right ear even
while idling, which is not too bad if you are married.
heres where I meant that.

Yeah, OK
and running anything else without hearing protection is any better. Hey everybody on here is taking all the guts out of their mufflers anyway from what I can decipher, so now they are at the same level. If you don't like the noise, stay in the house and type.
Sorry wrong button first time.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that 10-10 start out as model 1-10, way back about 1966, then morphed into 2-10, 3-10, etc.?

I wasn't aware that McC was still selling them as late as '98. Of course, you could still get Homie SXL brand new from liquidators until about then too.

Detroit learned their lesson in the mid-to-late '70's that they would have to keep up with the competition or die. I guess McC and Homie never did, huh.
Re: heres where I meant that.

Originally posted by johncinco
Yeah, OK
and running anything else without hearing protection is any better. Hey everybody on here is taking all the guts out of their mufflers anyway from what I can decipher, so now they are at the same level. If you don't like the noise, stay in the house and type.
Sorry wrong button first time.

Know what you mean john. I don't use anything without hearing protection. Don't own any new saws as of yet but I'd probably be stripping the mufflers too. Might as well put the old straight stacks on them:D My old saw doesnt like anything but that.
The McCulloch's to which I refer have the exhaust aimed at the
right ear.
I must not be a real man, since I do not like that design.

I am at home, and I'm typing! It is true.
10-10, 610 Timberbear, and all of the crappy derivatives.
If you want to make any stand on this forum, you may
not want to pick McCulloch as your brand of choice.
Do I sense a bit of angst against me from these newcomers?
They have a large group of comrades. But not too many pick
up the McCulloch defence league as a point of contention.
I realize that I am hated among the members here, but these
junior members should tread a little lighter.
Fish, my most literate friend, I was NOT, of course, taking up the defense of the McCulloch; instead I was poiting out what a slug it was by emphasizing how far we had come.

I will stick my neck out and say that for their day they were a superior saw to the XL-12, at least they did not boil their fuel in hot weather cutting.

Frankly I do not see the waste of time in getting any of these old timers (any brand, any model, introduced more than 25 years ago)running to actually use them on a frequent basis; collect yes, use no.

Boy, for the life of me, it don't seem like I can get a good clean fight started on here. You see, on this one I thought I was subtly lighting a fire, and it just fizzled out.

I'm gonna have to study tundraotto's style a little closer, he gets backlash going like a pro.
I know what Fish is talking about, mostly. The 610/Timber Bear/whatever has the exhaust wrapping around the underside of the cylinder and pointing up at you. I haven't seen a 10-10 in a long time, but I though it had a conventional box muffler on the side.

I have a Mac 250 with an open stack that'll blow your ears off.

How many really long-running saw lines can we think of?

Homelite XL-12/SXL series--1964 to 1995?
McCulloch XX-10 series--1966 to around 1990?
McCulloch MiniMac series--1970s to '90s.
Poulan/Craftsman XXV/25/2300 series--1971 to '90s?
Stihl 08S and 051 (in Brazil) late 1960s to current.

Any other oldies that had a long run?
Yeah I revived a 10-10 today that had a muffler ported out
the side, so you may be right. All McColluchs are lumped into
the same category in my mind, so model designations are
often ignored by my narrow mind.
Tony, no problem here. Your post was a good point to make.
Do not even bring up Otto here, just the mention of his name stirs up trouble. The both of us have no other motive than
starting trouble.
wrong button again!

I can think of a place to tread
A constant negative attitude toward any and every topic on any forum does not equate to a respective admiration by any "junior" members. I understand the guffaws and inside joking many of the members share, but some some people need to go back to if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. But then some people would disappear altogether!
Just about all the Mac designs have the exhaust coming out the right side. Some point up, but usually had a deflector to point it back to the right.
I like the Mac as collectors, and they are fun to run as well. Parts are readily availbale and don't cost an arm and leg. If you want to make a hot saw, they produced Kart engines as well for many years and those parts are available still. I dont champion their use as the saw of the century, but I don't bash the guys who like the old homelites/jonseys/bradleys or whatever either. JB

OK that two for me on the wrong reply.
like I said,

I have nothing good to say so I won't say anything at all. Except I did not notice I was no longer a junior member, but maybe that changed since I posted it as the all continue to go up on all past posts. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I will look forward to reading posts by your other personalities, as I enjoy them more. than this one.
On the 10-10, I bought another one last week for $1 that had been damaged by being run over, have dismantled it, and am going to make a daquirie wacker. It may be a little loud out on the boat, but It will be great to keep the girls in cocktails. What is your favorite flavor?