ArboristSite Operative
True, if only we as american people had the stomach for that.
Probably <1% of us do...
True, if only we as american people had the stomach for that.
the bush administration has been an easy scape goat for everything from oil prices to vd. People need to grow up and realize the world we live in today is nothing like it was even 15 years ago. If you want the easy way out and want to point the finger at one cause of high oil prices, point it at the Chi-coms. It all supply and demand. Opec is producing at nearly 100 percent. Can not get anymore oil from them. If you want to do something about supply, write your weenie congressman and have them lift the stupid regulations on gas formulations and let oil companies drill off shore and in alaska. You bush haters truly show your ignorance of world issues because you are blinded by your hate for one man. You have been spoon feed by lefties and have no idea what you believe in.
Spell "TAX".
The U.S. pays 1/2 what you pay in Canada. It is 4x-6X that in Europe and Japan. Again: taxes to pay for all the benefitsyou and they think they're getting.
Then again, Brazil has all that Ethanol to save the planet.![]()
Now Chavez, that's another ballgame: Can you spell "DICTATOR" ? :angry2:
Go spend a year in baghdad to fight bushes war then come talk to me about why I despise the bush amin, not hate.
Two guys with differnt points of veiw dabating rationally and not name calling.
Good for you two![]()
Probably <1% of us do...
I don't know. Almost everyone I know in Northern Michigan would go for that, but as a whole I know you're right.
That was our idea when we were young and the 'Nam was on. Just pull our guys and make a parking lot out of it...............but it was too swampy there. Iraq would be more stable..............
'Nuke their ass and take their gas"
Semper Fi and thanks no matter what branch you served with. Freakin politicians don't have a single hair on their butts...........
if carter or clinton was still in office there would be a lot #####ing . since old bushy wishy in there oh its not his fault . it is the government: job to protect the people. 110 a barrel is not protection. some body run this guy down.
Go spend a year in baghdad to fight bushes war then come talk to me about why I despise the bush amin, not hate.
if carter or clinton was still in office there would be a lot #####ing . since old bushy wishy in there oh its not his fault . it is the government: job to protect the people. 110 a barrel is not protection. some body run this guy down.
Happy new year to you too -But not for opec....I hope their camels get constipated from eating too many dates.