17 calls

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John Paul Sanborn said:
I will allways try to get on the property with the potential client because when face to face I can usually double by closing percentage over straight phone contacts (looking at the work first of course).

Yup, me too. When I set up the appointment for an quote I always ask them when I can come that they will be there. I want them involved in the bid and looking at their tree(s).
Crazy, Your point is valid. I know that sometimes I'm the first or second one there and I'm the one who sold himself and they stopped looking. I still think it a bit odd and really rather rude. If you want to pick the best but then stop looking after your first demo without checking out the others that were scheduled what does that say? The words that come to mind are all disparaging. :angel:
we have commercial client's over here that get a 6 or more quote's ,makes me wonder how the hell they get time to run there own business.

IMO the fault lies with tradesmen in general giving free estimates ,i bet if a token charge was asked for ie $10-$20 this would separate the price finders from the serious client.
Huh I had a guy call me 4 times in 1 day to schedule an estimate.Every time he thought he was talking to a different company I wunder how many people he actually called that day?Needless to say i Didnt waste my time! But ive driven by that address a coulpe of times since and the yard is still full of trees...
IMO the fault lies with tradesmen in general giving free estimates.
True. Most of my callers are first told that they can get an inventory/diagnosis/consultation for $x, which includes reference material to help understand their trees and my recommendations. If they balk I mention that I come equipped to do standard treatments, pruning etc so they'll get results for their $. Many will buy this service; the ones that don't I ask for specifics on their tree issues.

If it sounds interesting and it's in my area i'll offer to prorate the fee and spend a fraction of an hour answering their questions and offering management options. Either way when the advice stops and the estimating begins, I stop charging for my time. I always recommend a list of CA's or other local arborists to do the work; 3 if there are that many who serve that area. I'm on that list if I want to do the work.

If they still insist on a free estimate I'll take their address and info and say I'll drop off a bid when I'm next in the area.

"sometimes I'm the first or second one there and I'm the one who sold himself and they stopped looking. I still think it a bit odd and really rather rude."

It's rude if they don't call the others to cancel. Otherwise, not.
I give free estimates, I charge $50 an hour for consultations. when the difference is explained to clients it is usually not tough to figure out which is which. if anything, I am leniant to the client. I do my job because I think its great, I am glad people are willing to pay me to do it. I dont get every job but I get enough to make it worth while. you cant be the cheapest in town everytime (and would you want to ?) but you can offer good service for a fair price. Should keep us in business and make us a living in most locales.
I just got my yearly call from the lady who has called every year for three years for a quote on a removal. I remembered who she was so I just pulled up last years quote and gave her that price + 5%. She didn't seem too impressed, oh well.....
I had some people lined up for you to call about stump grinding a year ago or so. They never heard from you, and I wonder how many other companies gave them the same treatment. I've never had much luck getting contractors to show up to give estimates.
That is the very reason we give bids on all work. It tarnishes your name here to not show up for a bid, or not even return the phone calls.

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