ryan, thanks for being honest....but i am sure Trump did not start building buildings in just one day, right? I know i am not him, but if you dont think "big" you will be a small fish for a long time. until now i have never done something like that....
well, here is a little (not much) update....i called 4 people and they all wanted to see it. I have given them the address and they will call me with a quote. It will start snowing soon, so that's not going to be good....
I was a little concerned with them stealing the job from me since it has happened in the past with another tree company, but i think the guys i talked to are pretty cool about it.
tnttreeman, i have to get a quote to see about how much we are talking, ok? i will let you know. the place is flat as a mirror.... i went there today with one of the guys (could not do the job, but recommended someone), so i looked at it all over again.....There are about 10 tall trees (30-50 feet, 8-14" diameter), and a few shorter trees.....same diameter probably...everything else is brush (1-3" diameter).....it's thick and can not go thru easily...
I agree....i can't charge him too much or i will lose the job all together, but i need to know how much it would be first. i am willing to do all the leg work for him. he can just sit back and watch. that's why i am getting a few quotes to see what i will be working with.
I have no idea if he will get another quote from someone else....he seemed not to know what kind of company can do the job. can you blame him? I did not know either....until i talked to you, guys.
anyway, i will probably get a few quotes between today and friday...that will give me an idea.
Those guys were really good over the phone. the one i met was also awesome....they had a straight blade exchavator and a large (huge) back hoe....but even they could not do the job. they do more construction work, not clearing.
i dont want to over charge...cause i might not get the job at all....i will see where the quotes come.
i forgot to mention....man, what a rush doing something like that...gets my adrenaline going and i just love being in this kind of environment.....i hated coming back to my office cube.
i love doing a job where i can look around and see the fruits of my work...i am so jealous that you guys do that on daily basis.....
if the costs living are not as sky high and they are, i'd give up my day job in a second. thanks a lot.
i will try to get a few pics the next time i go there....as always, hats off and saying thanks to professionals like you.