Saw this looped design on a computer about 1 1/2 years ago. it will reduce emissions.
Expect to run it at the GIE show in Charlette, NC this November.
It's a take off of the Red Max (Komatsu) Strato Charged engine design that is being sold (licensed) to other companies to use.
It was Federally certified back in 1995.
1st generation used short tubes directly from the two barrel carb to the transfer ports.
Eliminated the long cylinder thru crankcase tubes saving on weight, gave faster fuel flow, better power curve, and less heat problems.
2nd generation used ported pistons eliminating the tubes, providing less parts, and improved performance.
They already have a the world's first Strato Charged chain saw for sale in the USA. 40cc model GZ4000.
Being a small company they concentrated on where more saws are sold, and where clean engines benefit most, as larger engins have less restrictions....for the moment.