OK I mostly just absorb information here but I actually need a bit of help or direction on this project. Please forgive my long post just filling in a bit of back story thought this would be the best place for questions.
My grandfather in-law run's and own a mill and has for 70 years or so. We were down visiting this weekend and found out he and my grandmother in-law are deteriorating rapidly in health with cancer and other issues. He and I have always gotten along very well because I love the mill, saw, lumber, and anything involved in that industry all of his children want no part of it other than the funds it brought in all these years. He took me up to one of his many barns that was built in WWII to get some old items for my wife to decorate with. Sitting in the corner was a Disston/Mercury DA-211 complete. I about fell over, I asked him about it, he said he bought two of them new back when he was felling timber and they were put in the barn when he started just running the mill. One of his sons took one several years ago and traded it to a saw shop so it is long gone. He couldn't believe somebody actually thought it was interesting to hear about he old saws and was absolutely happy to stand in 100 degree barn for two hours talking about them. Long story short, he told me to take the saw so it would be with somebody who wouldn't throw it on a scrap pile when he's gone. So I got the complete saw the bow attachment, extra bar extra head and handle and a chain. I haven't done anything with the saw yet, the bow attachment is in decent shape and has been repaired a few times because of heavy use.
I am really wanting to get this saw running and maybe even restored before something happens to him so he can see it run again. His entire life has been in the timber industry so seeing a piece of his history come back to life would really make him happy after seeing what just talking about it did. Fortunately this idea was my wife's so there will not be any issues with the $$ and time to get this project started. I will get pics as soon as I can of all the part and saw, what should I start with and what should I not do to get this project started? Any help is appreciated.