Like the others said, you want an oil thats designed for higher temps and states OK for air cooled 2 strokes. There are ash free and low ash oils that are made for air cooled , unlike the old days were ash free was only for water cooled. Ash free modern oils give less deposits. I like this one - actually removes old varnish from the inside of the engine and is great for engines that may sit for long periods (rust control).
Mystik Store - Mystik® JT-4® Ultimate High Performance 2-Cycle Engine Oil - Product Details
(Also includes a fuel stabilizer)
Can use in any 2 stroke- snowmobile to weed wacker.
Like the others said, you want an oil thats designed for higher temps and states OK for air cooled 2 strokes. There are ash free and low ash oils that are made for air cooled , unlike the old days were ash free was only for water cooled. Ash free modern oils give less deposits. I like this one - actually removes old varnish from the inside of the engine and is great for engines that may sit for long periods (rust control).
Mystik Store - Mystik® JT-4® Ultimate High Performance 2-Cycle Engine Oil - Product Details
(Also includes a fuel stabilizer)
Can use in any 2 stroke- snowmobile to weed wacker.