My splitter will blow that one out of the water and out run it on the road
(once it is built of course). Come to think of it I should look into getting a NOS system rigged up for mine if it comes to a road race
Ooooooooooooooooooo! This here sounds like a challenge!~
Hm, I kin see it now, "Innnnnntroducing our newest catagory, the "I Am a Maniac Unlimited Monster Splitter Inviiiiiiiiiiiitational"!!!!" Gentlemen start your engines!"
Months before the competition the word goes out to every woodsman, farmer, treeman, and frustrated homeowner, to save the knarliest, ugliest, biggest, baddest, toughest, knottiest, pos lumps of wood man has ever seen.
Over the next while they get brought to a designated dumping zone and piled up and a bit before the comp some trusty young souls sort them out by size and line them up. Either they're number and do a lottery type draw, the competitors play poker, darts, yatzee, uchre, whatever or, each contestant in drawn order chooses the piece for one of his/her's competitors, keeping it even till all gone. Then let the fun begin! Side by side timed races, first team to split and stack a cord, door prizes to a donor for toughest lump, prizes for best break-down, ugliest machine, most sweating, etc. I could go on and on (could be the relief of getting home tonight in one whole, and a cocktail or three ).
You could have stock, modified, and unlimited classes. Putcher lazy azzed fiends and teenagers to work for an hour or two. Entertain the crowds. And donate the split stuff to a local charities ta spread around minus what the winners take (if any). Side bets, challenges, duels, hoorah!
How's that fer a weird brain-spasm du-jour?
Kk, I go now.
Serge (not quite peeing on my foot yet :greenchainsaw: )