2012 FIREWOOD progression thread. Watch this and the wood pile GROW!

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if that dump box/trailer idea is something you want to go after id be checking into one of these to power it. Just plumb it in the truck and put some pioneer quick couplers on that baby so its removable. Maybe make it so the box is removable and then you can use the hydraulics for something else like a bale mover or a log lifter in the back of the truck. its almost like having full blown hydraulics but ya wouldnt want to run something like a brush mower off of it. At 1.5-2gpm it would a nice speed for smaller cyl up to maybe 2.5-3in

JSB Barnes Haldex 12 volt Hydraulic pickup hay bale spear pump
The toilet in the one pic made me laugh. It must be symbolic of you needing to get off your arse and get cutting! :clap:

So much easier now with all that snow in the way! NOT !

Not a whole lot going on here.

On Dec 7th was working on a friends full size van. Got it all done and was driving it back to them, hit some ice and went in the ditch on it's side! Totaled the van 97 Dodge 2500 and sent me to the ER. I did walk away from it but was hauled to the ER in an ambulance on a backboard with a neck brace on. A rough painful ride! I ended up with a fracture on my T12 and have been laid up ever since. I probably can only lift 15-20 lbs without causing pain in my back and neck. I can't even lift my little girl ~40 lbs. :msp_sad:

The wood pile is running a little short. I do have dry wood (dead fall) in the woods but it needs to be cut, hauled and split.
Not a whole lot going on here.

On Dec 7th was working on a friends full size van. Got it all done and was driving it back to them, hit some ice and went in the ditch on it's side! Totaled the van 97 Dodge 2500 and sent me to the ER. I did walk away from it but was hauled to the ER in an ambulance on a backboard with a neck brace on. A rough painful ride! I ended up with a fracture on my T12 and have been laid up ever since. I probably can only lift 15-20 lbs without causing pain in my back and neck. I can't even lift my little girl ~40 lbs. :msp_sad:

The wood pile is running a little short. I do have dry wood (dead fall) in the woods but it needs to be cut, hauled and split.

wow! Why didnt you check in sooner? Dang man, youll get better. Take awhile but youll get there.

Any AS members near you can come over and get your wood out? One day and a few guys should get you backed up pretty good.

Before I got wiped out and ruined my back, I was an avid weightlifter. toook me near six months to get to the point I could barely pick up an empty bar and still couldnt stand up straight.

Never got all the way better, but got to the point I can still work part time and go cut wood!
Not a whole lot going on here.

On Dec 7th was working on a friends full size van. Got it all done and was driving it back to them, hit some ice and went in the ditch on it's side! Totaled the van 97 Dodge 2500 and sent me to the ER. I did walk away from it but was hauled to the ER in an ambulance on a backboard with a neck brace on. A rough painful ride! I ended up with a fracture on my T12 and have been laid up ever since. I probably can only lift 15-20 lbs without causing pain in my back and neck. I can't even lift my little girl ~40 lbs. :msp_sad:

The wood pile is running a little short. I do have dry wood (dead fall) in the woods but it needs to be cut, hauled and split.
Get better soon man. Is there anything else you need other than the manual labor. I'm to far off to help there but would make a donation to help out if there were a need for funds.
wow! Why didnt you check in sooner? Dang man, youll get better. Take awhile but youll get there.

Any AS members near you can come over and get your wood out? One day and a few guys should get you backed up pretty good.

Before I got wiped out and ruined my back, I was an avid weightlifter. toook me near six months to get to the point I could barely pick up an empty bar and still couldnt stand up straight.

Never got all the way better, but got to the point I can still work part time and go cut wood!

I guess I never thought about it. I have friends from church who have been helping me load the basement, but they're not the guys that know how to run a saw. I'm that guy when they're out with me.

Another thing, I've been hoping that my back would feel better soon enough to get out and cut. I didn't realize how long something like this takes to get better. I go to lift something and my back tells me afterwords "you shouldn't have done that"! I'm trying to baby my back so it does get better. My neck still doesn't like sudden direction changes or supporting my head when I'm in my recliner.

I'm still friends with the guy whos van I totaled which is a good thing. He didn't have full coverage so he's out of a van. Oh, I was wearing my seat belt. Dr said that was a good thing. I walked away without any cuts or outward injuries.
Sure wish you was closer, I'd bring a saw and get it done for ya. Sorry to hear about the back, been there and done that. You gotta let it heal slowly. You will only make it worse by overdoing it. Mine hurts all the time but ya learn to live with it. If'n you was in arkansas we'd already had it done for ya.
Sure wish you was closer, I'd bring a saw and get it done for ya. Sorry to hear about the back, been there and done that. You gotta let it heal slowly. You will only make it worse by overdoing it. Mine hurts all the time but ya learn to live with it. If'n you was in arkansas we'd already had it done for ya.

Yeah, I do get tired of being hurt and hope others aren't thinking that I'm not as bad as I am and just acting. It hurts! I have to ask for help with lifting dog and cat food, water softener salt, and other things that I'd normally do. I don't even dare to work on anything that involves pushing, pulling, bending, or lifting.

I have done a couple of stupid things and have had a few set backs. I just have to remember to act WIMPY or I pay for it.
Yeah, I do get tired of being hurt and hope others aren't thinking that I'm not as bad as I am and just acting. It hurts! I have to ask for help with lifting dog and cat food, water softener salt, and other things that I'd normally do. I don't even dare to work on anything that involves pushing, pulling, bending, or lifting.

I have done a couple of stupid things and have had a few set backs. I just have to remember to act WIMPY or I pay for it.
I know how you feel, It's a helpless feeling. Nobody that has ever had back trouble will not understand. When the back is out so is the rest of the body. I hurt mine so bad that it hurt to move my fingers. That was years ago. I've had back surgery too so i won't call ya any names. i know what your going through. When i was down there were people that helped me out on things, I would love to repay it back someday.
Manyhobies I'm sorry to hear about your situation! I wish I was closer so I could help you get your wood in!! Anything else I could do for ya don't hesitate to ask.

Hang in there manyhobies, I hurt my back 3 winters ago and I am still fighting it. I do feel a 100% better but it's still not good, have to be super careful lifting. The last time it went out I was brushing my teeth of all things. I have two herniated disks in my lower back. I know how you feel about what people may think, I'm 6-2 and weigh in at exactly 250 lbs. I have to ask for help at the Depot when I buy something like plywood. I'm a builder by trade so it's rough to make a living.
I can usually get the help to do most of the lifting but I'm not the type to stand around and I end up helping and paying for it the next day.
Time will heal you up.
There are programs out there to help people who are in your situation, don't be too proud to ask for help. It's meant for short term help, especially if you have young ones. ( My youngest is 28).
Bless ya man. I know how the backs can hurt. Mine's been a pain since I was 14. Showing off dead lifting 170 of weight. I straightened out my arms over head, back popped and it's been my pain ever since. But you take care and just work the little limbs. Just go slow and before you know it the pile will grow.
There's chit loads of Minnesnowta dudes on this forum -- I can imagine you can't get a small army to come help you out?

If I wasn't in Montucky, I'd certainly bring my saws over and help ya.

Sorry to hear about your back! TAKE IT EASY!
Not a whole lot going on here.

On Dec 7th was working on a friends full size van. Got it all done and was driving it back to them, hit some ice and went in the ditch on it's side! Totaled the van 97 Dodge 2500 and sent me to the ER. I did walk away from it but was hauled to the ER in an ambulance on a backboard with a neck brace on. A rough painful ride! I ended up with a fracture on my T12 and have been laid up ever since. I probably can only lift 15-20 lbs without causing pain in my back and neck. I can't even lift my little girl ~40 lbs. :msp_sad:

The wood pile is running a little short. I do have dry wood (dead fall) in the woods but it needs to be cut, hauled and split.

PM sent
If someone can haul a truck and a trailer of wood from SE mn, I can get him loaded up. I have the wood, just I work daily... and School on the week days. SO, if someone is willing, drop me a PM. I just dropped a few fields edge trees, so i have some fresh meat to clean out!!! Hope your better soon man, your a good guy!!!
I just recently joined this site and can already tell that there are a lot of good guys on here. As a person who deals with back issues (degenerative disc disease, two herniated disks lower back and an ass and left leg that goes up in flames when the discs hit nerve), I feel ya! Hopefully your affliction will heal completely with time and as long as you listen to your docs and don't do things you know you shouldn't I'm certian you will.

If I could get a break from work and get up to MN ill bring my 021 with me and show you how a car salesman with a tiny terror of a saw can get that shed dangerously over stacked! :D

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