Was that a stock or aftermarket optionThere's also this option...
Was that a stock or aftermarket optionThere's also this option...
No decomp, haven't had the cylinder off so can't see if there are other numbers on the sides of the base flange.
Was that a stock or aftermarket option
I have never heard of Gilardoni cylinders being sold as aftermarket, they are in the same quality range as Mahle and KS.
Yep, I had an early Stihl MS441 carb'd saw with a factory Gilardoni cylinder, so they are OEM suppliers to several saw manufacturers
my mistake on the 48ZN15, you have totally correct there.Maybe it is different in Europe? I have 11 262's with the split being about 8 having Mahle cylinders and 3 having KS cylinders. All eight of my Mahle's have the "Mahle" and part number on the flywheel side. All three of my KS cylinders have the "KS" on the clutch side.
Below are the pictures of the 262 cylinders I have from my project saws. They show what I said above.
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my mistake on the 48ZN15, you have totally correct there.
48ZK3 though have the number on the same side as KS. It also have the 262 number close to one of the screw.
Will post pictures when I get home from work today
this one is from year 93 week 6.I am not familiar with this cylinder model. When was it used?
what sort of muffler mod you doing on these 262's Randy?