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W/out a doubt. Don't even question it. The 361 is a better saw all around than the piddly little husky or the 5100... And I have a 5100 and love it and have had no bad luck at all with it over about 100 cords of firewood. 361 should be considered in a different class. .5hp doesn't seem like much, but it is wayyy more than you think... 361 all day!!!! Kills me to say it, but after running a couple, I'd like one also. Andddd, you don't have to run that little 325 sissy chain and bars on it like the 346xp. LMAO... If your not into the Stihl, go 5100 way. That way you'll have bigger bar and chain, more durable for that much wood every year... hmph! Husky? Ask'em why they don't run 3/8 chain on them??? Gutless wonders unless your cutting brush... Exactly who cuts 6" trees all the time where the 346 shines???
why do stihl supply Nth America with .050 gauge and Australia with .063 gauge on there saws???
point is just because thats what a manufacture supplies doesnt mean its optimal for the end user....nor does it really reflect the saws performance.
seems to me 3/8's is very popular in Nth America, i guess because most of the wood is soft and responds well to chip clearence and the rate of cut. Over here there has been good response to .325 on our hard woods...
and you wont see too many guys running skip tooh or even semi skip here.