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i am not so olde, as to not remember different things being new. Even now as i read, experiment and grow; there are new things that don't work as well, quickly etc. the first time like the do the eleventh. So, i am constantly reminded of what it is like to be new to some part of something. The questions i've asked myself trying to see all sides of things, turned out to be far more unprintable than any newbies. This is a tough gig, more respect than 'blasting' should be given to those that come to walk the same gauntlet.

i bounce some of my stuff off other members privately(guess i've learned whom it's safe to ask myself.......) but more for correctness and safety before posting; than fear of saying something unpopular (for even here, now i a/un-dress what i feel is right to write).

i think that someone takes time to write a new person about a 'stupid' question, and not to help; has personal issues or a short memory. Far better it is to write'em welcoming aboard, telling them about turning private message alert on, maybe why their question might not fit and how to edit etc.

Here we talk about good numbers, which ones are pertinet etc.; does that not bear out that the welcome matt should be out?

Thanx to Darin, JP and other moderators for making and keeping these numbers possible.

Orrrr something like that!
Cheers to the moderators and tecnical support

And Sean Larkin, Grand Poobah, and illustrious magistrate. The head honcho, the big cheese. Dudus maximus techno guru. Thank you.
How long were you on this site before you figured out how to use the search option?
I still don't know how to do that. I'm still a relative newbie here. for the record, someone enlighten me and the other newbies.

Hey Blaster, how do you get your pictures to show up in the body of your text? And why are your smilies so cool? Do you build them yourself? -TM-
I came across this thread while doing a search for "How to search the forum"

It has been kicked around that new users are often turned off rather abruptly and told to do a search when they ask a question that is old hat to the regulars. It does seem a concern that some would be posters are afraid to jump in.

Maybe it is not all that easy, especially if you don't have the right terminology to ask the question. I find it difficult to retrieve information sometimes that I know is in the archives. Unless you phrase it exactly right you dont get what you want. Make it too general and you get 5000 threads that is impossible to sift thru.
I wonder if there could be a little bit of a tutorial on searching included in a welcome page or perhaps more of a FAQ,s page. There is a tremendous amount of information about the industry burried in these pages, but it isn't the resource it might be if it was easier to extract. Maybe I am missing somethin and could use a litlle searching 101 help myself!
Re: Re: 4,000 is pretty impressive

Originally posted by Nickrosis
[I wish we spent more time on deeper topics, but I wish other sites would loosen up a little bit. [/B]

yeah. i agree nick. i dont prowl the other sites too much these days because i got so tired of the technical belly aching in the past, but my home is here at AS even if we do have the occasional slug fest its all a family of pros...cheers to 4000
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
I need something to keep me excited about climbing and I'm finding less and less here.

Hmm sounds familar eh Brain (just KIDDING! Brian). That is what I was trying to say was a reason for my absense, every time I came/come back, this forum has been bloated with name calling that quite frankly gets trivial fast. If you dont like someone, just click "ignore".

Another reason is lack of time.

Dont mess up a good thing.
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
Frank- I think of this place more as an ongoing class with new conversations every day. If the classes were recorded, how many people would sit and listen through the old classes? No one. The online forum setup is much better than anything we ever had before computers and if someone cares to dig through all the old threads, the info is still there forever.

I think it's appropriate to tell someone to search for a topic if they are bringing up something that has already been hashed to death in the previous couple months. But to be honest, I'd like for someone to start asking about some decent topics again. Substance has gotten pretty thin in the last year. I mean, how many times can you talk about cutting down yet another tree? I need something to keep me excited about climbing and I'm finding less and less here.

I agree, and lurking has been my way recently. Interesting topics seem to get derailed and many good questions which may be coming from a person uninformed get disregarded.

Thought it might just be me, wanting more about things that get one excited about climbing and what one finds up there.

One could say, "well start an interesting topic", and I'm aprehensive to do so based on what I've seen happen. So I just go to, "well guess my interests are just personal and not to be shared".


AS ain't perfect, but I like it!

If ya'll think it's so bad, maybe one of ya'll could start a better site. Ya know, show Darin how it's done.:rolleyes:

Yes, Brian. My style of posting is totally different than yours.

And I plan to keep it that way.

Perhaps you should start your own exciting, productive, never-a-dull-moment site.

Just so everyone knows, my point wasnt the derailing of threads, but the rather constant bashing of one another.

The reason Butch post so much is because he can type so fast that anything he thinks is in words before the blink of an eye:p. Seriously tho, Butch is a true pacifist, bumpin a post count never hurt anyone. Also, if you have ever talked to Butch in person, you would know his general dialog is light, and the "nonmeaningful post" are meant for humor generaly. Just because you dont get it, dont bash it.

Brian on the other hand is a more outspoken type. JHe is very knowledgeable about new tech. but is quick to temper. He too (from what I read, never on the phone) means SOME of his insults in a light and humorous way why still making his point (his not mine:)) and getting on with life.

I think that AS is plenty big for the both of them, and both are a valuable asset. So live and let live.

Racing has bench racing, we have BS talking. At the end of the day all that matters is we have done what we can, and safely made it home. Now the ones of us that have met..... well then we can tree bench race:D, but I have never met any of yall.

Oh well, maybe one day.

Live and let live!
Originally posted by RockyJSquirrel
Virtually all of the more technical topic discussions have gone nowhere since you joined here a year ago. Everty single time someone starts a thread on advanced hitches or something, you gotta jump in espousing your tautline hitch.

Dang, I tried to ignore that. How 'bout you send me some of what you've been smoking? It must be some trippy stuff!

I was looking for your threads here, but I couldn't seem to find em... http://www.arboristsite.com/forumdi...1&perpage=40&sortorder=desc&sortfield=voteavg

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