Or there's the possibility that you've had a ton of experience / practice, and are really, really good at it.. and, I suck at those methods. When I used to do trees for money, sometimes the Arborist would get the line where he wanted it on the first throw... sometimes it took twenty plus minutes. Maybe there was a reason that he had four or five throwballs. That was 20 plus minutes of paying a crew to sit there and wait. 20 minutes, times four guys.. That's 80 minutes.. At $25.00 an hour.. It cost me $40.00 if the Arborist had a hard time getting the climbing line up. That was money that came off the profit of the quoted price.
I've tried the various methods of getting a line up in a tree, where you want it to be. Seriously, I suck at getting the damn thing over the right limb. For me, the arrow is the go to for getting it done. That being said, I now have the luxury of time, as, being retired, my company is me, myself, and I.

My suggestion / comment, wasn't meant for someone who does this 50 weeks a year, it was meant for someone who should keep both feet on the ground, at all times. It ( the comment / suggestion) , was about how to get a line up where needed, safely, for an amateur, but slightly knowledgeable homeowner . Safety first!!
In retirement, I've dropped a few trees for my neighbours. They've found it totally cool to see the "bow and arrow trick", after I've let them spend time trying to throw a sack over a limb.. But, then again, as I've said, I'm retired, and have no hurries, no worries.