562xp dead after 1hr - what should I expect?

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One thing to keep in mind is some of these "high ratio" 2 stroke oils have a higher viscosity than what the other "50:1" oils have. This allows them to call for a "leaner" mixture. They are diluted less by petroleum solvents in the bottle. This is the reason why they aren't suitable for oil injection use.
That's part of it, but you can only make the oil so high in viscosity, in the end the math still doesn't work out.[emoji111]
Opti one is old technology and only a semi synthetic. Quality of oil does not make up for quantity. Would you run an engine that requires four quarts of oil on one because the oil is high quality? That's exactly what you're doing.

No more oil discussion for the love of god, but please don't recommend oil ratios to others the will void warranties.
We ran engines designed for 20oz of oil and 3600 rpms on 12oz and 6700 rpms...went all season and none of the engines had any internal wear...but we didn't run Dollar General swill either..

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
Eventually this place will be just one giant oil thread.
"Just like" Yep you said it!
Context, "just like" as in they will both fail regardless of oil content due to heat.

Not "just like" as in they will fail in identical fashion in the exact same time.

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
There’s a lot of different views on how much oil to run, people who work saws day in day out
get a feel for what works, am sure none of them will run 70:1 and their new 500i,
nor will they forget the person who recommended doing it if they are stupid enough to take
that route.
Oil also does more than lubricate, like already mentioned it can increase the available power,
it also has a cooling effect, and it helps worn rings keep compression up and seal.
I never said it wouldn't. But it still fails. Running lean puts more heat in the top end and bottom end than any oil can protect from. Adding oil to try and stretch a lean burning saw out isnt right

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
It’s not right, but you still need adequate oil in the mix, 70:1 doesn’t work when the pressure is on,
otherwise motorcycle racers and such would all be going that route, but thy must all be wrong and enjoy
leaning sponge in order for you to be right.
Try it...you'll like it. People have used oils like Amsoil at 100:1 for over a decade and you never see problems.

I used to drink the 50:1 koolaid too...i know how hard it is to go against what you think is right.

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
Try it...you'll like it. People have used oils like Amsoil at 100:1 for over a decade and you never see problems.

I used to drink the 50:1 koolaid too...i know how hard it is to go against what you think is right.

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
I will buy the oil if you buy me the saw, thinking a 500i would be up to date enough to
try your up to date oil recommendation, that’s the only way I would consider what is nothing
short of a gamble.
You know the world is full of 60 yr old tractors working every day, while the new ones die in
a fraction of that time, that’s what you get for believing the marketing rubbish.
I will take the proven approach, not the approach proven to fail.
Try it...you'll like it. People have used oils like Amsoil at 100:1 for over a decade and you never see problems.

I used to drink the 50:1 koolaid too...i know how hard it is to go against what you think is right.

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
Complete and total BS!! I have repaired equipment ran on Amsoil Saber 100:1 that failed because of that stupid oil ratio, having talked to Amsoil they have even backed off that 100:1 nonsense. Sure in a tiny weed eater or small blower running rich it will do ok, I've even seen tests with a lot less oil, but put that junk in a 572, 441 lean on the saw in a 30" Oak log and see how long it lasts. Now stop it and please lets move on.
Results of two tanks of 100:1 in a chainsaw. It was still running wen we had a look just to see how the Saber did.
441 piston..jpg
Aside from StVenant’s posts this is the best post is the thread.
I hope StVenant follows through and let’s us know what happens, good or bad.
Agreed. We need to get back on topic and stop with the oil discussion. I don't know if he will follow up or not after some of the comments he received about his fuel and mixing habits. I hope he does because I would like to know the outcome.

Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
Complete and total BS!! I have repaired equipment ran on Amsoil Saber 100:1 that failed because of that stupid oil ratio, having talked to Amsoil they have even backed off that 100:1 nonsense. Sure in a tiny weed eater or small blower running rich it will do ok, put that junk in a 572, 441 and see how long it lasts.
Results of two tanks of 100:1 in a chainsaw. It was still running wen we had a look just to see how the Saber did.
View attachment 849505
What a shame, no money saved there being miserable with oil, I would love to know
the reason the owner of that saw gave for going 100:1
What a shame, no money saved there being miserable with oil, I would love to know
the reason the owner of that saw gave for going 100:1
He simply wanted to see if it would work, he also contacted Amsoil beforehand and asked if they would cover any repairs if the oil caused any problems, they said absolutely. I believe after in inspection he requested they cover the cost of a new piston, they refused. Wildnights was his user name, he hasn't posted here in years though. Same thing occurred to an acquaintance of mine, that saws whole bottom end went. The saw was an ms880[emoji15]

The simple truth is you need a certain amount of oil moving through the engine for lubrication, wetting the seals, ring seal prevent Blow by, cushioning effect for impact and to rinse the contaminants and old oil out and exchange it with new to prevent coking. But what do I know. Time to go out and drain the oil from my truck, I'm running Pennzoil Platinum Ultra, so I should be good to go.
Ok. A couple things:

1) I’m confused where you’re getting that the gas was old. I was asked how old it was. I don’t remember the specific date I pumped it, but I replied that it’s less than a month old, which it is. (Maybe you could help more if I shared my credit card statement? ) Somehow, folks have turned that response into 2 months old. You don’t have to believe me, I suppose. But you’ve got more reason to believe me than the folks just making stuff up because they feel cranky.

2) My point about 60:1 was that I can’t get 2.5 gallons of fuel into my can. But even if I could, 60:1 shouldn’t exactly cause an immediate disaster. Did I pour 2.07? Maybe, but it’s just as likely that I poured 1.93. If these mix ratios went from “all good” to disastrous within a 5% margin, very few people would be able to keep a chainsaw for more than an hour. Yet somehow, despite these odds, I’ve successfully owned a number of them.

I appreciate the help here, but it appears we’ve reached the stage where the story has taken on a life of its own outside of what actually took place.
First off,welcome to AS.;) Hope you get the saw issue resolved. Lots of good mechanics here that are very good at what they do and know. 99% of threads like yours turn into oil/mix threads. Just remember it's the internet and a$$holes are like opinions or vice versa. I will agree with you on blowing up saws on gas that is slightly over a month old. It just don''t happen if properly mixed. Knock on wood I haven't blown up/destroyed a saw in almost 40 years even when i ran the dreaded 50:1 Good luck sir.
He simply wanted to see if it would work, he also contacted Amsoil beforehand and asked if they would cover any repairs if the oil caused any problems, they said absolutely. I believe after in inspection he requested they cover the cost of a new piston, they refused. Wildnights was his user name, he hasn't posted here in years though. Same thing occurred to an acquaintance of mine, that saws whole bottom end went. The saw was an ms880[emoji15]
Good old Amsoil, par for the course. Add it to the list of people they have left hanging.

I used to live a couple miles from Amsoil's HQ and now live about 90 miles away. The grandpa/founder was a really cool guy. Donated a lot of money (the local hockey arena is named after them) to the area and to police especially the K-9 training. His kids are pompous ***** and everyone who works there seems to be convinced of their own superiority as well. There are a lot of distributors around here and they will start up the snake oil pitch too if you give them the chance.

I met one of their marketing/pr ladies at a wedding and the discussion turned to Amsoil. Yeah I am a bit of a smart azz, so after hearing about how great Amsoil was for a while I brought up how they have a reputation for refusing to cover warranty claims. She flat out told me she could refer me to someone in the company who could "tell me why I am wrong". Thanks but no thanks and with that type of response I will never buy another one of their products again either.

This has been discussed in the diesel truck forums in great detail...to my knowledge, AO buys their base oil from someone else then adds their secret blend of herbs and spices. Then they trash the place that sold them their base oil!!

Sorry for continuing to beat the dead horse. I just cannot stand to hear of this company repeatedly when they flat out lie to sell their product.

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