didi mention your warranty is only as good as your dealer...... call my shop
Yes it is buddy. And most guys don't know how warranty really works.
Truth is boys, that we have lot of latitude on this stuff. It's generally the dealer, not the OEM that makes the call here. After all, the saw is on OUR bench, not down in Charlotte or Virginia Beach. So, the dealer has to make the determination as to what happened and who's at fault. OEM issue, they pay. Dealer screw up, dealer pays. Customer screw up, customer pays. Sounds real simple right? But it's not. It only stays simple if the dealer really plays it straight and calls it like it is. And in order to do that, he needs to actually have the skill to figure out what happened.
This situation is already messed up, and I wouldn't want to touch it right now. The whole thing has been compromised by the dealer tearing the thing down. For Terry or me to get involved right now is a dicey proposition, cause that saw needs to be presure/vac tested. We can still check for failure codes, but if a code shows an air leak was present, where was it before the not-so-good dealer took the saw apart. I'm 95% sure the OP is faultless here, but it might be hard to figure out what actually went wrong with this saw. For me it's like the instant replay rules. Got to have conclusive evidence to "overturn the call".
We could easily fudge the whole thing and get it covered, because that is part of the latitude I mentioned. But something like that is SERIOUSLY dishonest, and I would never file a bogus claim. But I know dealers who will do that crap. The customer loves it too. Guys say "I'm a "good customer" and the dealer's a "good guy", cause he got Husky to pay". Really? Just remember, a dealer who will lie FOR you, is a guy who will also lie TO you. Honesty doesn't have an on/off switch.