anyways now that I had some time I gutted the muffler and modded it. The saw took 4 to five pulls to start cold. Choke on pull 3, pop 4th start. It ran super hot all the time and I could feel the engine acting aif it was constipated. I broke it in bucking the rounds for this pile of about 2 1/2 cds. It was a pita to start when it was hot. I gutted the muffler of it's green jewelry and 2 baffle plates. Welded it back together, still has the original spark arrestor, made a shroud after removing the clogging fin work on the original plate. The inside is straight through, the exhaust is only redirected once at the shroud. I tweeked the mixture screws just a little to the rich on low and high. What a difference. It doesn't run near as hot and first pull start up when cold or warmed up. It definantly grew some cajones. Higher smooth rpm and no longer bogs in the cut. This winter I will throw it on the bench and start on the engine and fuel system. I am happy with it now, before, not so much. cheers