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The two best mauls made in my opinion are....
Fiskars 28" Super Splitting Axe with the 4 1/4# head. This maul will easily outsplit any 6# or 8# maul I have seen.
Fiskars 28" Pro Splitting Axe with the 2 1/4# head used 90% of the time. This little number will split anything up to say 20" better than the heavy maul because of the drastic increase in head speed. After 20" or so the weight becomes to your advantage.
With these two lifetime warranty mauls in your arsenal you will be able to split anything than can be split with a maul and never buy another maul, handle, or change a handle again. Prices are $40 and $50.
I also have both axes and will use them over the hyd. spliter but only if stuff splits easy as it saves taking the spliter in to the woods , I lost my first small axe and went out and bought the larger one the same day , found the old one the next day I now have one for buddy's to use when they come over to help. also have a 8# with a steel handle (solid bar in the center with a pipe over the out side this helps with the vibration).