694 mix ratio

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ArboristSite Member
Jan 28, 2006
Reaction score
Southern Louisiana
After breaking in my new 694 as per instructions 25:1 Solo branded oil for 5 tanks. I read that unless I run "Mobil" brand oil I should continue to run at25:1. That just seems strange to me. All the rest of my saws, blowers and trimmers "mostly Solos" are 50:1 "name brand oil" Wich I have been running Opti-2 at 100:1 without issue. Thoughts? I haven't heard of running that much oil in a long time. I used to use 32:1 in the 80's and early 90's in my tools but I though oil and engines had come a long way since then.

.....do an advanced search.

.....i can hear them gathering.

.....they've got their silky saws at the ready.

.....they WILL relieve you of your, um, er, jewels, so to speak.

..... i hope i'm not too late........good luck........
There appear to be as many opinions on this particular topic as there are, er ...rectums, i.e. everyone has one.

I have yet to see a definitive answer on the subject. The best you can do is read all the available info on the subject and make your own best decision as to what is right in your particular circumstance.

Since the result of a too lean mix may be a blown piston, and a too rich mix may be carbon buildup, I'll always mix rich and never go above 32:1. But that's just my own decision.

I don't think a person can afford to underestimate the influence of the EPA regulations on manufacturers published mix ratio specifications...I certainly won't.

By the way, as near as I can tell, the best way to tell if you're mixing too rich is to periodically pull the muffler and check inside the cylinder for carbon buildup, and adjust accordingly.
I have switched to the mobil racing 2T and I really like it alot. I have been running it at 40:1 adn have had not a single problem. I used to use the Opti-2 and liked it. Never mixed it aT 100:1 Though. I like racing 2T better though 100% synthetic. It works for me.
I did a search before posting. I guess my question is why would the manual read that way? I just thought that if an engine was designed to run at 50:1 then you should run it at 50:1 not at 25:1. Is Solo the only company that does this? Are the Dolmar 9010 manuals the same? I think it's wierd. Yes, I run all my other stuff at 100:1 wich is what Opti suggests.
Tore down my 650 SOLO after running it on break in fuel 25:1 SOLO branded oil what a mess. Dirtiest (carbon deposited) engine I have seen in a while. My experience is in mostly 4stoke engines (cars an the like and Diesels). Nasty sticky mess that 25:1. It's no wonder all those IDC and Ryan trimmers and old MAC saws went through plugs the way they did back in the good old days!
coveredinsap said:
By the way, as near as I can tell, the best way to tell if you're mixing too rich is to periodically pull the muffler and check inside the cylinder for carbon buildup, and adjust accordingly.

You are wrong and confusing "Rich Mixture" with oil/fuel mix ratios... a saw at 50:1` running too rich will leave carbon. How many muffers have you ever pulled off a saw?

coveredinsap said:
I don't think a person can afford to underestimate the influence of the EPA regulations on manufacturers published mix ratio specifications...I certainly won't..

Another conspiracy theory? The move to higher mix ratios came a long time before the EPA got involved. It was based on better oils. Millions of saws run 40:1 or 50:1, with no problems. A few of us make adjustments when using the saws in brutal conditions.

Is this starting sound like another "Ask Sap" thread?

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