Older thread now, but I have found something you have to watch for on the 7310.
When you remove the heat shield to clean or replace the air filter, change the plug, etc., it is possible to get it back in place and snugged down in a way that does not allow the decomp button to pop back out. If you are really careful and mindful of where everything lines up, prolly won't happen. But I managed to do it.
And when and if that happens, it will be flood city and you may start thinking this POS used to start on second or third pull, what the heck happened to it?
I know, I know, who needs a decomp button unless they are in a wheelchair....

I can start it without it, but figure if they designed it in, they must have been thinking about saving wear and tear on something in the starting mechanism.
So not really a problem other than operator error, but the clearance is real tight on the decomp button to the heat shield.