8" triangle files?

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ArboristSite Operative
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
Cider Run, WV
Howdy All,
I have been in the background for almost a year. Great site full of good folks and information. I recently got one of those bench mounted stihl filing jigs like Casey Forrest posted a picture of on the Oregon 511A thread. My problem is the to take the dogs/rakers/depth gauges down it says to use a triangle file. I can't seem to find anyplace that sells them.

Does anyone know where to get an 8" triangle file for the stihl bench mount filing jig? Thanks in advance. Also I will post a later about a Solo 651 that a fixed for my neighbor, mostly by following information found here. A big thank you to all posters.


I must have asked a pretty dumb question. But I would like to ask again. does anyone know where to get 8" triangular (three sided) files? Baileys did not have them.


I'm not familiar with how the Stihl filing jig works. Does the triangle file attach to the gig? If not, you can just use a good quality metal file to take down the rakers. I would get a raker gauge to make sure you file all the rakers to specefication. Taking down the rakers too much can make a, "grabby" chain, and increases the likelyhood of kickback.

Does the stihl jig work well? I was thinking of buying one.

Welcome to the site:)
John Ellison - I could not find them on Madsens but maybe I overlooked them and will look again.

Happy Jack - The verdict is still out on it for me. I have only sharpened one chain on it so far. I have an oregon bar mount that is pretty wobly but works. The triangle file is supposed to screw in just like the round file. With the settings on the jig you can set the heigth and file away no depth gauge really needed. Right now I freehand the depth gauges with a flat file and a depth gauge tool.

There is some wobblyness to the stihl jig and the chain stopper could be improved. The problem with it for me is that the trailing egde of some cutter teeth are angled somewhat like the front edge of the cutter tooth. The chain stopper has some wobblyness in it and it slides off the back end of chains that have angeled backsides.

I have a design change in mind for it but have not executed it yet. Like many things, its on the list of to do stuff.

It will probably work good on stihl chain or any chain with a flat square back side on the cutter. I have to go.

Howdy Urbicide,

I did check with the dealer first. It is the local ACE Hardware. They don't have any and are in the process of researching it. I was supposed to take the instruction manual to them but I lost it. No kidding my dog drags stuff off you lay down, gloves, coffe cups, mail, grocery bags. I had the book in my trailer/workshop reading it and set it down jake was in his chair watching me. I went to do something else and jake and the manual was gone. Jake came back and I ain't seen the manual since that day. I may have took it the house but I can't find it. Just my luck. The fellow at ACE said they had them a few years back but they are not in his Stihl catalog anymore.

I called bailey's but they where out. The fellow I talked to mentioned something about the European manufacturer stopping production of that particular file. That is if I heard him correctly. Maybe the will find another supplier.

I did look at Madsens and called an ordered a couple of those 7" files. I will just bring the arms in on the jig to set both files.

I guess I over looked them, thanks for the help. I may cut some wood this weekend if I can get a safety observer. My neighbor is sick in bed and the wife went to her Moms for a family reunion.

The guide set me back 150 plus governer cut I believe $161. I may have bought an extra scrench that day don't remember exactly. It was pretty pricey but I was hoping it would make my life easier.

I thought about getting one of those grinders but I like filing and I only have two saws. I can free hand it but it aint as good as when I jig it.

Thanks again


I just checked my FG manual. There is no part number listed for the Traingular file.

I would suggest taking a measurement and calling Baileys to see if they can take one too.

Whoops!! Just read your last post....

As for the chain stop, yeah, thats a pain. Especially on .325 chain. Ive found if I hold the stop, and the cutter between my index and thumb, and clamp the chain down, I dont get as much movement. The other thing is dont be afraid to put a bit of pressure on the adjusting nut for the clamp down.

I also find that if you clamp the file down too tightly, youll flex the file upwards, keep an eye on that.

Also, once you get your height set up, it doesnt take much pressure to get the cutter sharp. I used to move the chain when I filed too. After awhile, I let up on the pressure, and everything went smoothly.

Ive gone through about 12 files since I bought the jig, and it works pretty well.

Was it worth $150, no...but allot cheaper than a grinder!!!
Howdy Casey Forrest,

Good tips and information from hands on experience is greatly appreciated, Thanks. Casey do you file your depth gauges with the jib? If so what kind of file do you use in it?


No I dont use it to file rakers.

Problem with using the jig to file rakers is you are assuming all your cutters are the same height/length. Unless you are actually measuring the cutters.

Nice thing about using a raker gauge is you are taking an average from two cutters.
Howdy Folks,

I thought I would post an update. I got the 7" tiangle files from Madsen's but have not tried them in the jig. They realy have six sides. I think they will work.

CaseyForrest, everything you said I found to be true on the jig. I tightend the clamp nut and loosed the file. It works better, I'm statring to like it. All my chains are pretty sharp at the moment.

I was going to do some cutting today but the wind was pretty bad so I cancelled.

I did find my manual to, ole Jake didn't get it after all, it fell behing a cabinet in the shop.

Jake grabbed me by the arm and pulled out of the shop last night, then he made sure I followed him the some apple trees and I shown the light up there and yup possum. He wanted him bad but I let him live and eat apples. That dog kills stuff and olny eats part of them and leaves the rest laying around the yard for you to trip on. Sometimes he burys them shallow.

Anyhow good night


Howdy Folks,

Those 7" triangle files do work in the jig. They could stand to be wider but they do work. I do like the jig better than the oregon bar moint one. I have done three chains so far and I grubbed two of those out today. It works best if you flip the file for right and left sides just like you would do for the cutters. If you dont flip it you will get some chatter every other raker. This maybe is related to the chains I use or the angle. I'm hitting them at 90 degrees.

Anyway I think I'm just going to use the flat file and depth gauge for the reasons caseyForrest gave above.

Have a good evening all


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