A few questions about logging from a land owner

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Down hill sounds better for you and it makes for faster falling with a natural pull from the hill on most all trees.
one faller one cat
Now you need to pull them to your landing. then buck and limb.
maybe one bucker can keep up with
you. I would start will one and after the faller gets far enough ahead you could hire a side hill bucker in places if it makes sense. If you do that plan you falling accordingly so none is working dangerously in a falling zone. second bucker can bounce back and forth if needed. Bucker are cheaper that faller.
you don't have to have the second guy
there everyday if you don't need him. Don't let it be because you poorly planed something. That's not cool and you could lose a good guy.
Its your wood...You are the boss. Just don't let your decisions create congestion jeopardizing someones
Sometimes I've bounced back to help the bucker a little bit. or if there is just me then I have to come down every once and a while to clean up logs the machine has spread out for me to get the underneath stubs and branches.
Another strong reason for a bucker.

Take control. There is lots of give n take to get it done and much cheaper and smoother than two fallers prosesing hillside.

Have your faller ahead and going into the right spots that open up the most options.

I would go with a private Faller. (Contract Faller) stay away from someone that is trying to middle a little town job that will take half of someones wage.
It may reflect on the faller and his attitude. (don't ask me how I know this)
Last point on that....he may not he as experienced and or his gear may not be up to par.

Make sure they have good gear and a
couple working saws
@catbuster...I think your are thinking 45°
friend being as 1:1 ratio.

So I guess that puts him under
.5:1 or under 6 /12 pitch at steepest.

It puts him at .4:1. I goofed, engineer brain kicked in, I’ve been designing some pipe systems since I got back. Regardless, that’s still a sidehill I question a new operator on. Not super steep, but enough to roll a machine if it gets on a stump or rock.