It'll be a month or two down the line at least before I even get a working mock up of the 100% originals, in the meantime it doesn't take much to burn a set of factory calks up... unless I left the matches out again... then it could be difficult getting the torch started...
The more people get interested the more effort I'll put into making it a reality, the first 1000 calks are probably going to end up costing me 2-4 dollars a piece, there will be some significant tooling costs... once that's out of the way I hope... to have the costs down to something us working stiffs can handle.
The more people get interested the more effort I'll put into making it a reality, the first 1000 calks are probably going to end up costing me 2-4 dollars a piece, there will be some significant tooling costs... once that's out of the way I hope... to have the costs down to something us working stiffs can handle.