A question for a professional

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ArboristSite Lurker
Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
I grew up in a home where we had a very large water oak(I think was the name)it has small leaves with three or more lobes.This tree is still standing today.The tree is about six feet in diameter or slightly more.I've been curious to know if anyone has an idea about how old this tree could possibly be.I know oak trees like this one grows slowly.Its not a big deal but someone that has cut down trees this size might have an idea.
Six feet old tree but a lot of factors in age
annual rainfall is one of them! A tree here in arkansas
can get that big in one hundred years but in west texas
trees of that size have been through civil war! If you can
find similar size same water oak that has been cut in your
area count the annual rings and should get you close!!!
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cant saw the tree down

I no longer live there and the property does not belong to me.My guess is the tree is possibly three hundred or so years old.I could be wrong but I think its a close bet.Thanks for the replies.
Water oaks grow fairly fast when compared to black oak,
white oak and some of the other varieties but depends on
soil, available water, nutrients and sun just a few of many
factors effecting growth! My guess in your area is humid
gets plenty of rain so a hundred to hundred fifty is a good
guess of its age but only a guess !!!!!
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wish I could send a pic of this tree

I have just joined here and not familiar with the forum.If I find a place to submit photos I'll take a pic of this tree and send it in.Then everyone can take a guess at the age.
Keep in mind by the turn of the century most trees
were cut to be used for lumber all of our state had been cut
by then and I have seen trees that size here!
off topic question....

anyone know of a free photo edit program I can find to change from gif,php to jpeg?I want to use an avatar for my profile but all my pics(even the small ones are to large in pixels.thanks in advance
anyone know of a free photo edit program I can find to change from gif,php to jpeg?I want to use an avatar for my profile but all my pics(even the small ones are to large in pixels.thanks in advance
Irfanview.com is one of the easiest I think, lots here have used it, and best of all its free! :)
Also, when you save your photos have you used 'save as'? as generally that'll give you several options of which format its saved in. Lately, since my last PC crash I've just been using Paintshop Pro8 for resizing, does the trick but a bit of a pain, gotta dl irfanview again. Also might want to go google 'free photo resizing', theres a bunch out there to choose from depending on your needs.

:cheers: (your oak could be anywhere from 150-350yrs old) :D
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I hear this question a lot. It shows that peopleare interested in the tree, and putting a number on it raises the tree's emotional value in their minds. All that is good.

But the next question is, how many years does it have left? When you take your pictures, include some of the base of the tree and the main forks.
Thanks sprig

I've never heard of that photo program even though I have googled many but were not able to find what I was looking for.:cheers:
Oh,and yea,I do save as but still even my small pics that would work as an avatar on other sites didn't suit the size recomendations.
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I hear this question a lot. It shows that peopleare interested in the tree, and putting a number on it raises the tree's emotional value in their minds. All that is good.

But the next question is, how many years does it have left? When you take your pictures, include some of the base of the tree and the main forks.

I will do that treeseer.The last time I saw the tree it had huge limbs that had broken off from some of the lower branches.When I get the pics I'll try to upload it here.
I grew up in a home where we had a very large water oak(I think was the name)it has small leaves with three or more lobes.This tree is still standing today.The tree is about six feet in diameter or slightly more.I've been curious to know if anyone has an idea about how old this tree could possibly be.I know oak trees like this one grows slowly.Its not a big deal but someone that has cut down trees this size might have an idea.

My mistake people.I meant six feet in circumference NOT diameter.
Bore it.

Just bore it and count the rings, you can rent a tree borer from most local forestry equipment stores. It won't hurt the tree enough to worry about it and you'll get your answer. Just make sure to bore through the pith at breast height, then add 5 years. Simple questions have simple answers, don't make things too difficult for yourself.
Just bore it and count the rings, you can rent a tree borer from most local forestry equipment stores. It won't hurt the tree enough to worry about it and you'll get your answer. Just make sure to bore through the pith at breast height, then add 5 years. Simple questions have simple answers, don't make things too difficult for yourself.

Well CANUSA,I couldn't do that either since the property no longer belongs to me and the house I once lived in was torn down.I'm not sure who owns that land now but if it were not in a neighborhood it would be possible to do this.Also I wouldn't know of a boring, or rather coring tool long enough to go through the tree or half way through much less powering the drilling tool.It would take much more expense renting equipment just to satisfy my curiosity.(Not exactly worth it to me)I think the cheapest method is by estimate by photograph to show to a professional Arborist.Boring would be much easier than the saw method though.
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My mistake people.I meant six feet in circumference NOT diameter.
Then a guesstimate of 75-150 might be more in order. If there is a dead branch on it you could cut it would give you an idea of how dense the ring spacing is and narrow down the guess. :) As stated many times when this sort of question has been asked there are alot of variables involved.



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