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Hopefully they aren't 'barking spiders' that you are putting in the stove...
They tend to blow up when exposed to flames.
HA! I kill me.

Hopefully they aren't 'barking spiders' that you are putting in the stove...
They tend to blow up when exposed to flames.
HA! I kill me.
I got into my truck the other day and was going down the road when something started flying around the wind shield. It was a skeeter, I don't know if this was a new hybrid that could live all year or a sigh that warmer weather was coming, but this one is dead now. We have not had a day that was above 10 degrees in a couple of months.
I got into my truck the other day and was going down the road when something started flying around the wind shield. It was a skeeter, I don't know if this was a new hybrid that could live all year or a sigh that warmer weather was coming, but this one is dead now. We have not had a day that was above 10 degrees in a couple of months.
It has been about 70 degrees in the day time for the past three weeks. I was splitting a log and I saw a Lizard in it I opened it up carefully and released him I finished the split and found a cricket. I guess he went in after the cricket. I keep a paper cup with a lit when I split wood in case I see some grubs or beetles I like to feed them to my chickens. There is also a lot of black widow spiders in the wood. I don't think I have been bitten by one of them lately. David