I think my little joke missed the mark, you had made a reference to Obama in a thread that had nothing to do with politics insinuating that I may be Obamaesq in my socialistic views on saw fairness and equality.
The change I was referring to was the one Mr Obama broke off in us all

not the small shift in classes at my GTG.
Someone’s always gonna scream when they lose its just the way it is.... sore losers and excuse makers are gonna be at every ball game and they're gonna have a reason they got beat.
I'm not one of them as you well know, if you beat me its because you were faster... doesn't much matter weather its because you had a better chain or a bigger hole in the muffler.... shame on me for not bringing everything I had.
I broke the classes different because of the way we compare saws around here, a 50cc 5100 should compete with the 49cc 260 and a 50cc 346, but would you really wanna compare it to a 59cc 361 or MS362 in real life?? Not really, and we don’t do that here, so I broke the classes the way we do when we compare saws, same gap but its more of the saws we compare here running each other in the log..... otherwise a guy running a 5100 might complain that he has to run against a MS362. It works both ways.