A Tale of Three Saws

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I usually call it an 80cc, since it is at the top of the 70cc class and runs like a 90.:clap:

Call it what you want, it is still one heck of a saw!
Especially some of the more "Infamous" ones!:cheers:


:agree2:Well the "Infamous" ones run much better than a 90cc saw:greenchainsaw:
Okay I want my money back then... because in all of the saw comparisons around here the 45cc OE346 and the 49cc 026/MS260 are both in the "50cc class". The 56cc 357, the 59cc 359, and the 59cc MS361 and MS362 are all considered "60cc saws"

How did the 7900 get a by on this one???? :dunno:

Don't get me wrong it's a very nice saw and it owns the 70cc class for box stock performance.... but then again an "80cc class" saw should. ;)
Okay I want my money back then... because in all of the saw comparisons around here the 45cc OE346 and the 49cc 026/MS260 are both in the "50cc class". The 56cc 357, the 59cc 359, and the 59cc MS361 and MS362 are all considered "60cc saws"

How did the 7900 get a by on this one???? :dunno:

Don't get me wrong it's a very nice saw and it owns the 70cc class for box stock performance.... but then again an "80cc class" saw should. ;)

No matter how you slice it, 79 does not make 80 and 80 doesn't make a 79, I see this as plain as day. A 20 year isn't legaly able to drink in a bar becasue he is close to 21 doesn't matter if it is the day before.

As far as your 346/260 comparison goes they all have to race in the 3 cube class.The 7900 is in the 5 cube class becasue it is under the 80cc mark which makes it's brand competition the 70cc class becasue of it's displacement. Just becasue it runs better shouldn't make it the next class up. Thats just crazy talk, saw socialism. Good thing Obama doesn't get into sanctioning saw racing otherwise he would take it out of the 5 cube class so the others would have a chance...LOL :cheers:
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Oh I agree and strictly by the numbers we've been doing wrong for quite some time..... I love my 40cc class MS260 and my 3800 just flat rocks the 30cc class. :laugh:

But why when someone starts a thread around here about the 372 vs the 441 do you Dolmar boys always through the 7900 at it. :laugh: Why no mention of the 7300??? I mean lets call a spade a spade here.
Oh I agree and strictly by the numbers we've been doing wrong for quite some time..... I love my 40cc class MS260 and my 3800 just flat rocks the 30cc class. :laugh:

But why when someone starts a thread around here about the 372 vs the 441 do you Dolmar boys always through the 7900 at it. :laugh: Why no mention of the 7300??? I mean lets call a spade a spade here.

Plain simple answer it runs much better for less coin. WHy pay more for less???

So if you had to make up racing classes how would it look
Plain simple answer it runs much better for less coin. WHy pay more for less???

That’s always the argument :laugh: Plain simple answer would be dealer support and parts availability.

We could go there but why... its been done soooooo many times already. :laugh:

So if you had to make up racing classes how would it look

I made up some saw classes once already and you ran them. ;)

Just a little FYI though, saw racers make up a very very very very very very (did I say very cause I ment to say very) small percentage (not even) of chainsaw owners and users. The avarage guy doesn't really care about 3 cube or 5 cube classes and they don't even split hairs about a 79cc saw being in the 70cc or 80cc saw class. :cheers:
That’s always the argument :laugh: Plain simple answer would be dealer support and parts availability.

We could go there but why... its been done soooooo many times already. :laugh:

I made up some saw classes once already and you ran them. ;)

Just a little FYI though, saw racers make up a very very very very very very (did I say very cause I ment to say very) small percentage (not even) of chainsaw owners and users. The avarage guy doesn't really care about 3 cube or 5 cube classes and they don't even split hairs about a 79cc saw being in the 70cc or 80cc saw class. :cheers:

I'll just say i can get parts faster through a NY Dolmar dealer than I can get them from my local Stihl dealer without leaving the house, like anyone else could ;) But since you didn't mention it I won't use that as my rebuttal:greenchainsaw:

Honestly I can't remember how you set the classes up but my 5100 ran against all the other typical 3 cubes that day.

I agree on the saw racing too, very little % care about stuff like that, thats why the Dolmar gang always throws out the 7900 for a option, becasue it is a good option to the 441 and 372 or 460. Not alot of people know about it and when new guys ask I throw it out there. Becasue I once was looking at a 460 and glad I bought the 638.00 7900 instead of the 950.00 460. Never hurts to throw it out there! If someone wouldn't have for me I might not have ever known I missed the mark :)

I really did like how you set the dollar a run deal up, that made it very fun and interesting. I would like to see that happen again, maybe have a free class too, call it a prcatice session:)
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Oh I agree and strictly by the numbers we've been doing wrong for quite some time..... I love my 40cc class MS260 and my 3800 just flat rocks the 30cc class. :laugh:

But why when someone starts a thread around here about the 372 vs the 441 do you Dolmar boys always through the 7900 at it. :laugh: Why no mention of the 7300??? I mean lets call a spade a spade here.

bc weight, handling, and cost. it is more similar to the smaller saws. i have no problem calling it an 80cc saw, though. but by the same measure, i have no problem throwing it in the mix against smaller displacement saws that it might be shopped against.
I'll just say i can get parts faster through a NY Dolmar dealer than I can get them from my local Stihl dealer without leaving the house, like anyone else could ;) But since you didn't mention it I won't use that as my rebuttal:greenchainsaw:

As always the "your mileage may vary" disclaimer should probably be attached to that one.

I can put my hands on just about any Stihl part needed in less than 30 minutes here, pretty close to the same for Husky. That’s a huge deal to a professional who’s losing money by the hour in down time. Not to mention the homeowner who doesn't have the knowledge or gumption to fix their own saw. ;)

Honestly I can't remember how you set the classes up but my 5100 ran against all the other typical 3 cubes that day.

I really did like how you set the dollar a run deal up, that made it very fun and interesting. I would like to see that happen again, maybe have a free class too, call it a prcatice session:)

I really liked the dollar runs also.. I thought it might spice things up a bit and it did. I can't take credit for the idea though that one was something that Eric (jeeper) and I had talked about at his last GTG.

I broke the saw classes down just like we compare them around here on the forums. When we compare saws they are by 50cc, 60cc, 70cc, 80cc "classes" but in reality we lump similar saws together like the examples I gave. So I broke them down just like we talk about them so that the same saws we compare here would have to run each other in the log.

35.1cc-45cc = the "40cc class"
45.1cc-55cc = "50cc class"
55.1cc-65cc = "60cc class"
65.1cc-75cc = "70cc class"
75.1cc-85cc = "80cc class"
85.1cc-95cc = "90cc class"
95.1cc-105cc = "100cc class"
105 and up ran together

That put the saws like the Stihl MS460, the Dolmar 7900, and the Husky 385 all running together but keeps them away from the likes of the 372, 044, and 7300.

I think it makes for much more interesting racing and puts the BB conversions in the classes they probably should belong..... but maybe thats the Obama in me... no I think thats the change. :laugh:
I agree on the saw racing too, very little % care about stuff like that, thats why the Dolmar gang always throws out the 7900 for a option, becasue it is a good option to the 441 and 372 or 460. Not alot of people know about it and when new guys ask I throw it out there. Becasue I once was looking at a 460 and glad I bought the 638.00 7900 instead of the 950.00 460. Never hurts to throw it out there! If someone wouldn't have for me I might not have ever known I missed the mark :)

:laugh: It was my 460 you ran against Eric's 7900 that drove you to the dark side. :laugh:

:laugh: It was my 460 you ran against Eric's 7900 that drove you to the dark side. :laugh:


No the first GTG I went to(ericjeepers) I had my 7900, Bill Poor deleiverd it to Eric's that day and I picked it up so I did run the 7900 before I did your 460. It then got shipped to the darkside to become infamous.LOL

Did you move yet?
35.1cc-45cc = the "40cc class"
45.1cc-55cc = "50cc class"
55.1cc-65cc = "60cc class"
65.1cc-75cc = "70cc class"
75.1cc-85cc = "80cc class"
85.1cc-95cc = "90cc class"
95.1cc-105cc = "100cc class"
105 and up ran together

I all honesty though, I don't see the "Change" just a mix up of the same thing :)

There is still a 10cc difference between classes wether it is 45 to 55 or 40 to 50, what's the difference the margain is still the same. The only way I would see a closeing of the gap is to go every 5cc. Otherwise the guy runnning a 365 is going scream becasue he is running against a 375, unless it is Jack Walker becasue his 365 lays it down and can cover the 5 cube class as well.:monkey:

The only advantage I can see is if your a 260/440/441 or 372 owner. And that is becasue they now have a displacenment advantage over the smaller saws. If you did it every 5cc starting at 35cc there would be more oppurtunities to race:clap:
I all honesty though, I don't see the "Change" just a mix up of the same thing

There is still a 10cc difference between classes wether it is 45 to 55 or 40 to 50, what's the difference the margain is still the same. The only way I would see a closeing of the gap is to go every 5cc. Otherwise the guy runnning a 365 is going scream becasue he is running against a 375, unless it is Jack Walker becasue his 365 lays it down and can cover the 5 cube class as well.:monkey:

The only advantage I can see is if your a 260/440/441 or 372 owner. And that is becasue they now have a displacenment advantage over the smaller saws. If you did it every 5cc starting at 35cc there would be more oppurtunities to race:clap:

:laugh: I think my little joke missed the mark, you had made a reference to Obama in a thread that had nothing to do with politics insinuating that I may be Obamaesq in my socialistic views on saw fairness and equality.

The change I was referring to was the one Mr Obama broke off in us all :laugh: not the small shift in classes at my GTG. :laugh:

Someone’s always gonna scream when they lose its just the way it is.... sore losers and excuse makers are gonna be at every ball game and they're gonna have a reason they got beat.

I'm not one of them as you well know, if you beat me its because you were faster... doesn't much matter weather its because you had a better chain or a bigger hole in the muffler.... shame on me for not bringing everything I had. ;)

I broke the classes different because of the way we compare saws around here, a 50cc 5100 should compete with the 49cc 260 and a 50cc 346, but would you really wanna compare it to a 59cc 361 or MS362 in real life?? Not really, and we don’t do that here, so I broke the classes the way we do when we compare saws, same gap but its more of the saws we compare here running each other in the log..... otherwise a guy running a 5100 might complain that he has to run against a MS362. ;) It works both ways. :cheers:
But why when someone starts a thread around here about the 372 vs the 441 do you Dolmar boys always through the 7900 at it. :laugh: Why no mention of the 7300??? I mean lets call a spade a spade here.

From what I've experienced a 7300 would hold its own nicely against the competetion in that group without any help from "big brother".
It's almost a shame, in a way, that the 7900 is so close in price to the 7300!
I'd seriously consider the 73cc if I could find one in a "blue suit"!LOL

I think my little joke missed the mark, you had made a reference to Obama in a thread that had nothing to do with politics insinuating that I may be Obamaesq in my socialistic views on saw fairness and equality.

The change I was referring to was the one Mr Obama broke off in us all :laugh: not the small shift in classes at my GTG.

Someone’s always gonna scream when they lose its just the way it is.... sore losers and excuse makers are gonna be at every ball game and they're gonna have a reason they got beat.

I'm not one of them as you well know, if you beat me its because you were faster... doesn't much matter weather its because you had a better chain or a bigger hole in the muffler.... shame on me for not bringing everything I had.

I broke the classes different because of the way we compare saws around here, a 50cc 5100 should compete with the 49cc 260 and a 50cc 346, but would you really wanna compare it to a 59cc 361 or MS362 in real life?? Not really, and we don’t do that here, so I broke the classes the way we do when we compare saws, same gap but its more of the saws we compare here running each other in the log..... otherwise a guy running a 5100 might complain that he has to run against a MS362. It works both ways. :cheers:

Exactly, Run what ya brought and hope to hell you brought enough:cheers:

I see what your saying Erick, and I agree, no one will always be happy, I don't cry when I get beat either, a saw is only as fast as it's chain will let it cut. If you brought a saw to race don't forget to bring a chain too:cheers:

I see the way you broke those classes down and it does make sense when they are all stock but porting can take leaps and bounds on a saw and depending on how creative a fella is on his porting it might be a good comparison with a 5100 and 362:cheers: Small ported saw doesn't always mean they are slow, I seen a couple ported 346's that make you shake your head and go WOW... I still have yet to run a stock 346 to see what all the fuss is about. But I will when I get a good chance ot snag one:greenchainsaw: Were on the same page here:cheers:
I'll just say i can get parts faster through a NY Dolmar dealer than I can get them from my local Stihl dealer without leaving the house, like anyone else could ;) But since you didn't mention it I won't use that as my rebuttal:greenchainsaw:

We're lucky to have a great Dolmar dealer as a sponsor here.
From what I've experienced a 7300 would hold its own nicely against the competetion in that group without any help from "big brother".
It's almost a shame, in a way, that the 7900 is so close in price to the 7300!
I'd seriously consider the 73cc if I could find one in a "blue suit"!LOL


Dealer here says the 7300 is going away this year?

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