Somebody's talking crap here & it ain't the tree!
yeah the oem top that brad had pics of,sorry should have quoted the post i was reffering to:greenchainsaw:
No worries mate - I hoped that was what you meant

yeah the oem top that brad had pics of,sorry should have quoted the post i was reffering to:greenchainsaw:
got mine today thanks matt, to change it over tonight or not. big decisions
mate i been all over it like a fat kid in a lolly shop, and it sure does look very nice. very impressed with the quality, thought i would have to crutch a few dags off but its clean as.
Anybody notice something? Or actually a LACK of something!
What's all the spooge in this transfer?
Very interesting choice of words.
Please see the common definition here:
Um I think I may have just spotted an issue with the 372XP BB kit on it's way to Will. I assume Al's kit would be the same...
No biggy but may suggest these kits are not the same as others on the market...
Anybody notice something? Or actually a LACK of something!
OK. Just heard back from the supplier and Al and it looks like Will is the only one to have lucked out on the hole! Supplier very upset though and said he'll be more thorough when checking future kits he has in stock.
thats a hell of a slip up from the manufacturer!!
May I ask, exactly how that happens?
Are the holes drilled after the molding, or is it part of the mold.
I'll be curious to see what the compression is with the exhaust that high.