XPW Fan Club
Anytime someone comes with the ole "my saw is best and yours is inferior" fanboy talk, they should be directed to this thread.
Just goes to show that either of these saws are awesome and theres really not any one saw better than the rest. Personal preference is the only factor. Stihl, Husky, Dolmar/kita....does'nt matter. Either will give you your money's worth in performance.
This thread is awesome on so many levels!!!!
I mean, I'm going to go insane waiting for the modded saw showdown!
Brad S. :yourock: 
Just goes to show that either of these saws are awesome and theres really not any one saw better than the rest. Personal preference is the only factor. Stihl, Husky, Dolmar/kita....does'nt matter. Either will give you your money's worth in performance.
This thread is awesome on so many levels!!!!
I mean, I'm going to go insane waiting for the modded saw showdown!

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