Work Saw Specialist
I'm fat and lazy.......
I noodle up the big chunks so I can lift em to the splitter with ease...... :msp_unsure:
I noodle up the big chunks so I can lift em to the splitter with ease...... :msp_unsure:
I'm fat and lazy.......
I noodle up the big chunks so I can lift em to the splitter with ease...... :msp_unsure:
I'm fat and lazy.......
I noodle up the big chunks so I can lift em to the splitter with ease...... :msp_unsure:
LOL Not to stihl your thunder Randy but I'm even lazier splitter is vertical and mounted on the three point hitch of my tractor.....I just lay the block/cant/wheel down on a of junk of 2x...let the splitter all the way down and simply back the anvil under...get off the tractor sit down on my milk crate and split till it gone and then back under the next one.......almost as easy as oil heat...LOL!!!
Should I start a "Who's The Laziest" thread?????? Complete with a poll????? about a "How To Process Firewood While Never Breaking A Sweat" thread????
Crap......I need to do some work.
Laters :msp_unsure:
I don't own a Fiskars splitting axe, but based on all the rave reviews I have read, and not just in this thread, but over the years, I think I will get one. Looks like if they work good this would be a good time to get one. I know they are not cheap, but I suppose if it does the job it will be worth the money. If it doesn't - I ain't going to be happy.
I went out this morning and slot cut all the big rounds and split about 50% of them in half.
BTW How hard is it to clean out the bar oil tank on the 346XP. I'm pretty sure I have some trash in mine. Don't ask me how.
Clayman, you're my hero!!! Splitting by hand at 74!! I have you to look up to! Just touched up my two favorite splitting mauls yesterday!You are a better man than me for that is exactly what I am trying to avoid, but not too long ago I did the same thing. 74 years of walking under the sun forces one to find an easier way.
Just use some of your fuel mix. dump it in, slosh it around good, dump it out. Repeat as necessary.
The fiskars shines in regular "fair" to split or easy wood. Gnarly stuff is gnarly stuff, sucks with mauls wedges or even hydraulics. On fair to easy, it is faster than using most hydraulics I would guess, for most chunks. My timed record is 15 very good splits ffrom a red oak round in 40 seconds. That is straight grained, a nice fat round, easy to split. You can go wicked fast in wood like that.
I *wouldn't* buy or use a Fiskars JUST to do hard pieces and crotches, etc. Wrong tool.
I use fiskars, maul, sledge & wedge, and final resort straight noodling. All have their place. The fiskars does the bulk of it though.
Clayman, you're my hero!!! Splitting by hand at 74!! I have you to look up to! Just touched up my two favorite splitting mauls yesterday!
Or you could lay them horizontal on 2 other pieces off of the ground and noodle them with the saw........Saves wear and tear on the body of whipping an axe/sledge/maul around.:msp_thumbup: That's what I do for the real big stuff.
I dont have a mechanical splitter either plus it can be done in the field..
.One more note.I hate the big red triangle shaped mauls.That round handle will turn in your hands,and when you hit the block of wood with the side of that pos,it will vibrate your teeth out
A whole lot easier to saw that way to.If I get hold of a bad knot,i noodle it about half way through till the maul will bust it.One more note.I hate the big red triangle shaped mauls.That round handle will turn in your hands,and when you hit the block of wood with the side of that pos,it will vibrate your teeth out
Just use some of your fuel mix. dump it in, slosh it around good, dump it out. Repeat as necessary.
The fiskars shines in regular "fair" to split or easy wood. Gnarly stuff is gnarly stuff, sucks with mauls wedges or even hydraulics. On fair to easy, it is faster than using most hydraulics I would guess, for most chunks. My timed record is 15 very good splits ffrom a red oak round in 40 seconds. That is straight grained, a nice fat round, easy to split. You can go wicked fast in wood like that.
I *wouldn't* buy or use a Fiskars JUST to do hard pieces and crotches, etc. Wrong tool.
I use fiskars, maul, sledge & wedge, and final resort straight noodling. All have their place. The fiskars does the bulk of it though.
A whole lot easier to saw that way to.If I get hold of a bad knot,i noodle it about half way through till the maul will bust it.One more note.I hate the big red triangle shaped mauls.That round handle will turn in your hands,and when you hit the block of wood with the side of that pos,it will vibrate your teeth out
Very true...haven't seen one of those for a long time...they truely sucked...who ever came with that idea needs a slap in the back of the head....