No, you reply was not worthless. It was right on the money. Sure, if I wanted a CAREER in tree work, feeding a chipper at age 14 would have been a good thing. But I didn't go that route. I went to college to become a mechanical engineer and that's what I do now, and am pretty successful at it. I am pretty confident that I have the intelligence to figure this thing out with books, pro's, and this forum. It's definitely not rocket science. But, I have a LOT of respect for this stuff. I try to think of EVERY possible thing that could go wrong. Also, remember that I am messing around with relatively small, simple trees. I'm not up in a 200-year-old dead oak that was struck by lightening 6 years ago

(well not yet anyway, that's a project for next weekend LOL)
HEY! Wait a minute, I just realized you called me middle-aged. Those are fighting words there boy! Kick your butt into next week! LOL (I am 31 BTW)