ArboristSite Member
Thank you thank you
Once warranty is over, mod the muffler and let her breath.
I garauntee you a 50cc will wear you out faster than a 70cc class even with a 32" blade on it..
You might start cutting 12 cords a year stocking up a few years in advance.
I'm in this camp. My main firewood saw is a 92cc and while it's twice as heavy as my 50 or 40cc saws it also cuts 10x times faster so less time is spent holding the saw.
Maybe you could try to get the best of both worlds and send the ms261 off to be ported so it's lighter than the 290/390 but produces the same power. Also I believe the older ms260 is 1lb lighter than the 261 and mofo saws can make a really mean 260.
I believe he is using hyperbole to emphasis his point. SettleIt cuts 10x faster in what size wood and type???
And no, it doesn't cut 10x faster. Sorry, but no.
I agree with the long-term investment. This will become a new part of me that I look to have alongside me for another 20 years hopefully!! I love my saws! lolThe biggest issue with the 261 is the price. I bought mine in 2013, non- m-tronic, for $500 when it could still be done. While I’m not crazy about the saw relative to most saws I run, it’s a well built 50cc saw that performs much better than the 290, regardless of the 5 cubes. Last time I priced them, I was really turned off.
I run a 18” bar, and feel that’s plenty big for the saw.
I like my Echo saws, but if I were looking for a Stihl, even the MS362 would be a good option, especially if you could find a non-m tronic version. I run one occasionally and really like it. It feels good with everything from 18” to 24” bars, and has good power.
For me chainsaws are super long term investments. There are many good options.
I think he means it's less actual work in the cut, and because the cut is faster, it's less total time under the load of moving the saw around. It's a work done over time factor.Please explain.....
I think he means it's less actual work in the cut, and because the cut is faster, it's less total time under the load of moving the saw around. It's a work done over time factor.
But what that fails to take into account for, is, not everyone has the same work/time curve. Factor in potential physical ailments, two people may have a vastly different work/time curve. It just depends on the person.
It's not at all about macho. I'm 60 years old, bad shoulder, bad back and bad knee. There is nothing macho about me anymore. I was only referring to my 50cc auto tune saw. It starts better without the decomp. Husqvarna posted a bulletin not to use the decomp on the first generation 545 and 550 saws. I have other saws with decomps that I have to use and I'm not a bit embarrassed to use them.Must be a macho thing refusing to use the decomp valve. To each his own, but the push of a button is not a hard thing to do, and makes life easier. Also prolongs starter rope life. My current 261 has been an excellent saw for roughly ten years now. I run 3/8. 050, 20 inch bar on mine and 90 per cent of what I cut is hardwood. The saw is light, dependable, and pretty stout for its size.
I will have to disagree to an extent but not totallyI garauntee you a 50cc will wear you out faster than a 70cc class even with a 32" blade on it..
You might start cutting 12 cords a year stocking up a few years in advance.
Not necessarily.In general, the larger displacement saws run 1-2k less rpms than a ~50cc saw. With chain type and sharpness also being factors, a smaller saw will often cut as fast or faster in small-medium sized wood.