Red saw lover
I'm not sure what's better, the story or the story telling. Bravo!
The three days went by like a blur and for some reason I just never rally thought to snap pics of people. I wish I had grabbed a "selfie" of Mike and I at least. I don't like to intrude on people I guess.No pics of people?
2. That little movie of my brother Jon is the saw Dave bought from him. It was racing against 3120s, 084s and other big fast machines. He came in second or third with a 6 CI saw!
When I saw that clip I was sure that was the saw I bought.
I told one of my buddies that I would give my right pinkie toe to have a reliable crossover like the one Jon showed off in that clip
4. I asked Jon if I could put the pepper recipe down and he said OK.
5. I noticed you didn't mention the racing sprockets Dave. Gone all ready?
That huge press-on spline, 10 pin, 1/2" pitch sprocket is going to Bret @spencerpaving, he's the only bike saw guy i know personallyThe others will go in Dave's drawer of dastardly destruction
Dave did you leave anything left for us local guys? I'm only a 10 min drive form El Dorado.