Advanced Falling Cuts

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Response after I laughed at someone's tree
The tree is on the ground no one got hurt, that we know of anyway. All kinds of reasons to do a cut like that, hardware or whatever reason he had.
And yeah I was a farmer and most of my friends are. Did you eat today, you're welcome.
Do you still wonder why people hardly post any pictures in this thread anymore?
Do you wonder why most of us don't come to this thread anymore?
I used to have some respect for you guys. Used to.

I thought I had a spot to try the farmers cut, sloping backcut, Dutchman or whatever it is called. Maple and ash growing right beside each other and didn't want to damage the maple. Didn't work worth a crap for getting it on the ground but at least I never cut the maple. Pushed it down with the tractor.
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I heard happy camp was pretty rough back in the day. I would liked to have seen it back in the seventies and eighties. But I missed that heyday.
I heard happy camp was pretty rough back in the day. I would liked to have seen it back in the seventies and eighties. But I missed that heyday.

Well, it was so exciting to be in the laundry and have two dirt baggers use the pickup line of, "Wanna fold my underwear." Yup, pretty good, that line. Or be told to kind of keep at home after dark and to never stop for a body lying in the road--drive around it and go on. I worked and then went elsewhere on the weekends.

The rumor later, in the 90s was that Siskiyou County encouraged the professional welfare group to move to that part of the county. Kind of out of sight, out of mind and no employment available.

I lived in Somes Bar longer than Happy Camp, and when I mentioned the superiority of Warshington huckleberries to the wrong person, was told "You better watch out, your house might get burned down." Yup, nice place there too. Don't go down to the Ishy Pishy rock at the wrong time. Some German tourists were shot at. They reported it but nobody came to investigate. They were told they shouldn't be there even though it is on public land, there are no signs, etc. My friend also had to call in for reinforcements when an airdrop of fire supplies was made and locals beat him to it and were threatening him.

It's one of those places where if you didn't live there, you wouldn't believe the stories. Beautiful country, but a bizarre population.
I've been there. I've saw some pretty interesting folks in places you would never believe in those parts. In the literal middle of no where and there would be someone or a few someones just out of thin air. If looks could kill. One time a guy with only one proper eye, the other being nearly closed, appeared on the side of the road with a small caliber rifle. As I went by (on a mountain bike) I tried to speak with him. I got no reply. He didn't even look at me as I passed within 10 feet of him. I was going up hill and expected to hear that rifle crack at any time. Never did, but the seconds went by like hours. My back felt like it had a big target on it.

Ahhhh, good times, good times!:laugh:
I've logged in the Somes Bar and Happy Camp area. When you cross into that country you want to set your watch back...about a hundred years.
It's not on my list of favorite places. Slowp and Sliverpicker described it very well.

I'm not trying discourage Joe from moving to Jefferson. By and large it's a great place.
There are a lot better places than Happy Camp though. If your family has been there for five or six generations you might be alright. Otherwise...
I am not really looking in Happy Camp. I just found a place bordering Klamath NF that I want to try to get. But I probably won't be able to swing it.
I went to Happy Camp with a prospecting buddy last summer and liked the area a lot. Evidently it has changed a lot since all the mills are gone. The population crashed.
The biggest conflict seemed to be between the miners and Indians. Both groups behavior can be considered bizarre and they are extremely sensitive and defensive.
I have dealt with being a newcomer in these little clanish mountain towns most of my life and usually can get along fine.
I did not mean to hijack the thread, but I am much more interested in looking for a place to finally settle down than in rehashing snipes,swing dutchmans, block faces and sheep's cants, lol