didn't you guys learn anything from Biggie and Tupac?
Crap. I was tryin' to figure out how to crack that joke.
didn't you guys learn anything from Biggie and Tupac?
Don't forget, you need an old guy to ride around in a pickup. One with lots of antennas on it. His job is to lay out the job, set the strips, keep everything moving, snarl at everybody, and complain that the job is losing money. He might tell you if you're doing something right...but don't count on it.
Speaking of which...time to head up the hill.
Dunno, my mom said we were part Scandihoovian. So I guess we were cigarettes. Go figure.
Do you have a large amount, and many colors of flagging to hang all over the unit in a confusing manner?
You'll need to paint the trees too. Put lots of paint on some, and then really skimp on other trees. Make sure to overspray a lot, that helps confuse things more.
Then hire colorblind fallers.![]()
Ya gotta get a 45 pound chainsaw, then add 72 inches of bar on it. Do you have a rattle trap, rust bucket mid '60s pick-up? It is a must have.
I gotta learn to snarl. Mostly I can't keep a straight face.
Where do I apply?
Just think of Janet Reno naked. Works every time.
Funny thread guys, I love it!
Well, there goes my appetite for breakfast.
Sorry, kid...we already have somebody to do that. And there's a guy from the upper left corner of California who's next in line for the job. Check back with us, though.
Dammit Bitz, you know dogs are no good for skidding. What you want is a couple dozen alley cats all pissed-off and harnessed up. They'll wind each other up enough that your biggest job will be roundin' 'em all up for the next turn.
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here through Thursday.
he only wants to do the snarling part though.