I can later tonight after the kids are in bed.Clint can you send me some pictures of what you had to do to your es bar to fit your j-red please
I can later tonight after the kids are in bed.Clint can you send me some pictures of what you had to do to your es bar to fit your j-red please
I can later tonight after the kids are in bed.
Thanks Matt!Received the bar adaptors today for the Dolmar 7900's. Finish is absolutely spot on and a very high quality item. Thanks Mike!
Homelite to 12mm on the way
Homelite to 14mm on the way
Poulan to 12mm on the way
Thank you for pointing that out. I will update my signature!Do you have a list of all the different ones that you make? The one in the signature line does not include ones you have made for the 3120s and the 7900s which were different lengths.
Large mount Stihl to Mac 125?
Large mount Stihl to homelite?
Any way to get a few of each adapter? I have a Husky 272xp, 394xp, and 3120 as well as several 12mm and 14mm Stihl mount bars. Your adapters are by far the best out there! I was hoping each size adapter would interchange with each saw I have? Other then the adapters, my other issue is modifying my big Stihl 14mm mount Cannon bar oiling holes to fit the 3120 and 395. They currently do not line up and there was mention of channeling the holes in previous posts. Any suggsstions/advise on how to do that? I don't want to ruin the bar and figured someone with more experience than me could suggest a way.The program is written.......
I run a 3002 bar on a 3120 or 395. Have to grind a oiler channel
Can I channel the existing hole(s) with a dremmel or is it better to drill a new one? The bar currently has 3 oiling holes and none line up to the 3120 oil channel. The rear holes seem to be just above the saw channel, but the front hole is too far forward. Also, do I need to plug the unused holes? I am new to bar mods and would like to do it right the first time. Thank you for your advise!You surely have to, as the tail of the 3002 bars are wider than on the 3003 and large Husky. On some saws there may be a space issue as well?
Can I channel the existing hole(s) with a dremmel or is it better to drill a new one? The bar currently has 3 oiling holes and none line up to the 3120 oil channel. The rear holes seem to be just above the saw channel, but the front hole is too far forward. Also, do I need to plug the unused holes? I am new to bar mods and would like to do it right the first time. Thank you for your advise!