on/off topic
First off, I started with an open prussic Ddrt style. Shortly moved to a Th then blakes. Blakes is far superior to the others. That's what I now climb on day-in, day-out.
Bought some 1/4 in T-900 cord from NErope to try out these advanced hitches that you all speak so highly off. So far, I just don't like 'em. Tried the V.T. and distel knots.
My main problem is that I wonder how you ascend into the tree with that kind of set-up? If you can't foot-lock then it's a waste of energy IMO.

I'll admit that I haven't worked a tree yet with those knots. But what's the point of ascending w/ my blakes then switching to a V.T. if I can work seemingly as quick without having to carry more crap. Will someone explain the real benefits of this?

The guys that I work with are stuck in their ways, so you folks are the only help that I have.
MM, Dear God. Where to start? Haven't you learned that there are various amounts of ways that you can do something. Just because someone's Old School doesn't make them a hack. They found their niche and it apparently works from them. Who really cares. Why do you care?
Also, when did climbing styles make better arborist? One way or the other PROPER pruning and SAFETY are all that really matters.
Your theory;
Tautline hitch means old school hack, modern hitch means progressive non-hack.
makes little sense.
On a side note;
I have nothing but the utmost respest for my fellow AS members. It goes to show that we all care enough about what we do to spend time outside of work to discuss our profession. We have a great way to learn new/different ways to do our job. Though, remember,what works for some may not work for others.