why change from something that works,although the only thing i dont like about t/line is same diamiter rope,but saying that if i didnt have a prussic with me id use it no sweat.its CLIMBING not circus trapize,its all what you make it.
Originally posted by TreeCo
I've been using the Vt. for less than a year and I love it. Using it does not improve my knowledge of tree care.
So true. More money, longer-earned money, easier on the body money, happier customer money, healthier community to live in money.Originally posted by Nathan Wreyford
I just wonder if all the gear heads you hear talking about hitches, ascenders, and the best biners spend as much time about their climbing cornicies as they do with their studying of physiology and pathology.
style/technique, or substabce/practice? What's in YOUR toolbox?
Not sure what cornicies are, but Nathan's got a point.
there is way more money in patholgy and PHC work than being a climber and cudder.
I got no split tail, yet, but I try to stay firmly in the loop on tree care. I'd even say that some are so obsessed with gear and climbing techniques that they can't keep up with arboricultural techniques. Can we serve two masters?Originally posted by Mike Maas
If I see no split tail and he uses a TH, then I think he's out of the loop on tree care in genral, a part timer, or perhaps a new climber. In any event he ain't climbing any of my trees without supervision.