AM Piston Kit Review

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Flyz, Fuel & Fotos
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
North Country NY
I have been asked by a sight sponsor to do a customer review of a "no-name" India originated piston here we go.

The 1st piston I received was lacking in the QC department. I received a replacement piston kit which wasnt any better IMO. This review was completed out of request of the sponsor and out of my own curiosity. I’m in the midst of a complete rebuild of a STIHL 034AV so like most of you, I am always looking to save a buck if and where possible. I am not here to bash this brand or that brand, I also DO NOT WANT to start any pizzing matches or arguments with anyone. As far as I know, do date, I have no enemies here on AS and I prefer to keep it that way. The following pictures are posted here for you to make your decisions upon whether or not you'd like to save a buck or two........that is it!!

This review is of a 46mm kit for a STIHL 034AV.

Lets start with the rings. Here I am comparing the "India" rings along side "Caber". Yes I know Caber is not OEM, but I believe its the next best thing. Caber rings on the right.

Caber on the bottom



First Piston I received. Notice how small the locating pins are. Probably not a big deal, but 1/2 the dia of my STIHL piston

Lots of casting flash on these buggers



Here is the casting quality on the 2nd piston I received.

The circlip grooves were turned square or bullnosed.

Wire clips with ears BTW......
Might be able to see the "square" groove better here?

Used OEM pin (I will be using a new OEM pin for all you nay sayers...LOL).


New AM pin

Saw cut.....seriously...:msp_ohmy:
"India" on left......STIHL(used)....well on the right of course

I noticed the windows on the India piston were a tad larger, but not consistent in size. One window was actually quite a bit larger than the rest. Maybe you can spot the difference?

OEM locating pin
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Check out the bridge thickness differences


Sorry the pics are in no particular order. I have more pics with vernier readings but for some reason they rotated on me, so I will have to rotate them in Photobucket so you guys dont go turnin your puter screens sideways and all. ;)

Additional Note: The first piston I received had over bored pins bosses. I could actually rotate the wrist pin fairly easily with my finger tips while fully installed. The second piston I recieved was under bored and I actually didnt bother trying to install the pin. QC is a major concern here. Consistency isnt where is should be IMO.

BTW.......this is what I found on the inside of the pistons
Piston #1



Let me know if there are any particular dimensions you would like to see while I still have the pistons here.

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What is the mass compared to OEM? How about the P/C clearance and taper?

BTW, from the looks of the used OEM piston , I would have just put the caber rings on it.

Mass: No postal/digital scales available.....Sorry....send me a set :msp_tongue:
Clearance: I think I could handle that with my feeler gauges.......
Taper: I have documented, but pics will have to wait......Dont let me forget.

I fully intend on using the used OEM STIHL branded piston with the new Caber rings.
I emphasize on STIHL branded because the OEM MAHLE piston that came with the saw is toast.

See here

EDIT: I am headed to hunting camp to spend the weekend with my boy. Hoping to do some sliding/sledding if there is enough snow pack in the big woods. I'm headed out tomorrow AM and will return early Sunday afternoon and hopefully answer any outstanding questions.
You guys take care of my thread while I'm gone. NO FIGHTING!!
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In the photo that is showin' the India piston windows it appears that the piston pin is offset towards the left. I also measured it with calipers against the computer screen and that's what they show also. Buy the way that is the roughest lookin' new part I've ever seen for any kind of engine.
I have a question.......How does the con rod clearance between the wristpin bosses compare to the OEM one? It looks to be much wider on the Golf/no-name. The india and Golf pistons I've seen had huge 3/16" on a piston that should have only 0.015" Have fun sledding!!!
And therein lies a problem. Junk like that gets piled in with the high quality AM parts and it all gets labeled as junk.