Another example why ebay needs an 'ignore seller' feature.
Aluminum wouldn't have the marketability shock and awe factor!Corrosion/ galvanic compatibility could be an serious issue when copper and aluminium alloys are in direct contact, the aluminium in the exhaust port face would probably corrode quickly, thus creating an leak between the exhaust port and muffler IF there is ANY consensus to the idea/principle, the "heatsink" should be made of aluminium, witch is an excellent heatconducter
Stumbled across this after I met this clown the other day via CL. He was looking for some 660 crankcases, I shortly figured out it was so he could cram $31 worth of Chicom parts in it and sell it on CL for $750. He brought two saws along with him, the 660 that is pictured on feepay and his 180 "hot saw". He insisted that I run his 660 in a log outside my shop. I did thinking I could get him to leave if I did. "It's pretty fast for a 360" he didn't like that. He asked me if I'd be willing to peddle some of his heat syncs out of my shop for him. After telling him "no thanks" he asked if I would try his 17k rpm 180. I again answered "no thanks". I wondered if I could exchange a kick in the sack for 5 more minutes of this clown hanging out in my shop. He's a true believer, I'll give him that... another phone call I wish I had never answered.