Mark, while we are on the Super EZ, I have a question. My cousin picked up this 1977 vintage EZ for me. I pulled the plug to see if it has spark. It does. I had a bit of trouble getting the plug back in and took a closer look and the threads look a bit buggered. I carefully got it lined up and it screwed in normally. Put a shot of mix in the carb and would not fire. It has enough compression that I was using the decomp. Was going to pull the muffler to take a look at the piston. I think the WangNut that had the saw put lock tight on the threads, and it has round head screws with stripped straight blade screw driver slots. I'll probably just grind the screw heads off the muffler so I can see inside. In the mean time, is there anything that would keep it from firing with spark, fuel, and what feels like good compression? I've had saws with the spark so weak you could hardly see it in a dark room, and they still fired.Because the Super EZ put out tons of compression and they really needed them. 180-190 lbs that I have seen. The 1050's don't put out like that, but the one that floored me was the Super XL925 that did put out 190lb's. They have a much bigger bore and absolutely should have had a decomp. They tear up starter parts a lot.