I Just was honored buy a good farming friend of mine. As he offered me some nice vintage pieces from they're family farm. First is a Wayne model 861/40 1932-1936 Clock face gas pump, and then he asked if I would be interested in his Mall 2mg saw. I am a Jonsered dealer and I humbly accepted. he is 45ish years old and never had seen the saw used on the farm, my question is how do I find out the year of the saw, It is a complete piece and yes I was able to silicone the coil, file the points, change the plug wire and plug, the fuel tank was spotless and the fuel valve was shut off. they must have run the saw out of fuel the last time it ran, I poured gas in it opened the petcock primed the cylinder with a splash of gas and two pulls later this ole girl started and idled away. As stated before does anyone know how to decipher what year this saw is