I would like another opinion or few on this: At a campground there is a HUGE white oak that has codominant trunks. The larger side is dead, not a leaf remaining. The other side is alive but has declined some. The reason is that they cut the roots on the dead trunked side by installing water and electric lines about 20'-25' from the trunk. On the alive side, there is gravel on the ground where they drive (campsite area) all over the rootzone area. IMO, the tree is history. The only next to impossible way I see of saving it is to break up the compacted area on the live side, but doing so could damage the roots, as I dont have a high dollar air gun machine, and dont think it'd work on that hard compacted peagravel anyway. I thought about mycorrize injected in the ground to help the roots, but I dont think it'll help much either. Somebody talk back to me and give me your opinion or helpful ideas, as I dont see it having any chance, no matter what I do. Thanks!