Work Saw Specialist
And I don't mean yes as in sure, if you buy the crankshaft LOL they are available separately.
What you're saying is that they can be purchased attached to the 550 crank, but not without the crank.
And I don't mean yes as in sure, if you buy the crankshaft LOL they are available separately.
What you're saying is that they can be purchased attached to the 550 crank, but not without the crank.
For $10 you can have a pair of 550XP crank stuffers.
You're all a bunch of weirdos.
Us? Have you ever read any of your posts?
Us? Have you ever read any of your posts?
Since the transfer covers on the 545 restrict the transfer flow a bit, then dropping the jug and removing some time/area on the transfer ports won't make as much difference. In other words, the 545 is a better candidate for this mod as it is a less expensive saw.
When you add $10 for the crank stuffers, you will probably have the equivalent power of the modded 550.
OK, here's an idea - port the strato cutaway on the piston to increase the timing to the intake timing. That should increase the flow up on top end and you may not need the stuffers. Without the stuffers peak torque will be a bit lower in the powerband.
Fortunately no. If I knew half the crap I spit out on this site it'd make me dummer than the rest of those who read such garbage.
But thanks for asking.
:msp_angry: GAFL.
After some days of rain today was to try my 550 G . She starts after two pulls and trottle as she should do.
First i was cutting some 10-12" douglas fir with 16" bar and 3/8-7 RSC..goes through like butter
Then changed to 325-7 for some oak cuts in same dia. and she still holds the rpms ,unbelievable .
I'm pretty sure she will do with 3/8 in oak or 325-8 in soft wood as well after 20 tanks or so .
Thank you Mastermind for that killer saw ,mayb i see a MM 562 G laying under my christmas tree ...:msp_wink:
I need those........
I need those........
For only 3 easy payments, they can be yours!!!!opcorn:
Big box going out in the mail today for you sir. One box, buncha stuff. Things haven't gone as planned here in the last couple of days, kind of a whirlwind week. Would you like the stuffers sent with?
Those aren't for controlling your moobs, Randy.
Yes Sir......I wanna stuff a 545.....but I need a case gasket too.
No controlling these bad boys Wes......****s.jpg