any lefties out there

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ArboristSite Lurker
Aug 3, 2002
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how do you lefties hold your saw when cutting??? I read an older thread about starting a saw and it got me thinking about how I as a lefty hold the saw when I cut I have my left hand on the lower handle operating the gas and my right hand on the upper handle, I just noticed my whole left leg is very close to the bar. Do you lefties switch and go with a right handed cutting position??? or do you go with what feels most comfortable??
The only time I use my left hand on the throttle handle is when making a horozontal cut (stump cuts, drop cuts, etc.) with the bar on the bottom side. Otherwise, I use my right hand on the throttle handle. Been so long I don't remember if it was less comfortable, but I will not take that kind of foolish chance when switching hands is so much safer.
i don't know if I would call it a foolish chance, I've been cutting lefty for close to 15 years never had a problem, never even would have noticed until I read 20 different ways to start a saw. just wondering if I switch now if it might be more dangerous as I'm used to running it a certain way.
Actually, I'm comfortable holding a saw either way. But I guess when I first started running saws I always grabbed the rear handle with my right hand. I did a lot of lawn maintenance as a kid and went through my learning curve on a weedeater. If you hold a weedeater with your left hand on the throttle, the exhaust will blow on your arm and you will burn your elbow on the muffler. So when I went to saws, I just kept the same stance, with my body to the left side of the saw. A lot of the smaller saws have the exhaust blowing out behind the sprocket area, so holding the saw as you do will result in having exhaust blowing toward you.
now that makes sense! sorry if that last reply came off defensive, I'm here to learn and to learn you ask questions, sometimes when you ask you feel like a fool and if you feel like someone confirms that....well you get a little defensive. Now I have to retrain what felt so comfortable but it has to be done to be safe
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Hi JHR, Im a leftie as well. Lefties and righties are no different physicaly in the way they should use a saw. Both types can get things screwed up though. Its ok to crosshand, especially while bucking to alternate weight but I keep the left hand on the forehandle 99% of the time. Technique is the buzz word here. Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey.
Gypo, Thanks for the reply. bucking is all I really do. When I am working for a friend of mine who has a tree business I'm the ground guy, I buck up and feed the chipper (amongst other things). When I have logs dropped off at my house I'm bucking. I rarely drop trees! I plan on hopping up my P-51 and I really don't want that by my leg!!! If it's safer to buck, and cut anything for that matter, righty then I will!
i'm right handed so mostly i use my right hand on the throttle. but depending on what position i'm in i'm just as comfortable useing the saw lefty. just pass it behind your back and switch.
I'm right handed and cut that way most of the time. When I'm doing alot of bucking I'll swap hands but I always stay on the
left side of the saw. You did not say which foot you have forward.
My left foot is foward by the log and my right foot is behind the trigger hand. If I were left handed I would have my right foot forward and left foot behind the trigger hand. The only difference
in how close my leg is to the saw would be the offset of the bar
(about 4"-8").I guess what I'm tyring to say is it sounds like you're holding the saw left handed and standing right handed.
Sorry if I'm wrong. If it aint broke don't fix it.

yeah when I'm cutting my left foot is back and my right foot is forward, with my left hand on the throttle and my right on the upper bar. like i mentioned earlier I never had a problem with balance or even close calls it just felt like my right arm was almost like it was criss crossing my left....So when you buck you buck left handed???
I'm right handed and cut that way 95% of the time. The only exceptions are as treeclimber165 said when making stump or drop cuts and the saw's facing that way. The only other time would be the rare limb I can only reach left handed while climbing.
If I get too tired cutting firwood or limbing to cut righty I figure thats just a sign to go get a cold drink and take a break.
I seen this picture some time ago and had to take a second look... On Solo's German home page they show what looks to be a 651 but in a LEFT hand version !!! bar on the left and top handle angled correctly for your right hand... I assume it to be a mirror image mistake- but just think all you lefties- a saw made just for you. I'm a little surprised that Solo never fixed the pic

Look here :
Stihl of New Zealand had a picture of a similar saw on the cover of their Autumn/Winter 2002 flyer, has to be a photo trick as I see no mention of a lefty version anywhere. Makita does make a lefty circular saw but it's very hard to find....I want one though.
Hey Sedanman, most wormdrive saws have the blade left and are comfortable using a reverse grip. Porter Cable also makes a blade left circular saw.

Hey Jeff, that picture of the Solo could be the one that caused my buddy who is a forestry supervisor for Niagara Mohawk so much grief. He had a guy join one of his crews with absolutely no experience( utility union rules, you got seniority, you get the job) who happened to be left handed. He also happened to be a real hard luck case who was chased out of every other job he ever had because he always had a problem with something. So anyway, after the rest of his crew gets tired of picking up the slack, they start going through the Steward to the supervisor about the lazy bum, and how they want him off the crew. The supervisor agrees and counsels the troubled soul, and the troubled soul immediately goes out on stress related disability. Long story short, the bum contends that he cannot return to his tree trimming job because of the stress of having to use a right handed saw when he is left handed. Of course the doctor who evaluates him doesn`t know the difference so he passes this info back to the super, who then tells the Doc that no such thing as a left handed chainsaw exists, and he had better get his patient back to work. Now here is where it gets funny, the stressed out fella comes back with " I know they make them because I saw one in a magazine". So now after an extensive and costly search by the supervisor, to no avail, stressboy is a $30/hr flagman and cone setter around the work area, still believing that the company is screwing him, LOL. Russ
Hi Otto, he`s in New York State, the land of unions and a law or rule for every person who feels like saying they are disadvantaged or somehow prevented from reaching their full potential,therefore they should just sit home and let all us mean, advantaged people support them. The whole premise of this story which I swear to God is true, is so ridiculous that you have to laugh. I learned long ago that you can`t let injustice consume you. Russ
could not have said it better myself Russ..

there is always someone trying to hang on the wings of the one that can fly, by the way they deserve it more than you do, cos they just do you know, they're picking on them, its harder on them,...therefore always load buckshot.slug.buckshot.slug.etc.....

BETWEEN THE FRIGGIN EYES!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :blob2:
"the land of unions and a law or rule for every person who feels like saying they are disadvantaged or somehow prevented from reaching their full potential,therefore they should just sit home and let all us mean, advantaged people support them."

Jeez Russ, I thought that was just Massachu... I mean Taxachusetts.:angry:

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