Any millenials still heat with wood?

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"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

~Socrates (469-399 B.C.)
millennials = weakest generation ever

I think every generation thinks the one after them is lazy. I worked with my father doing construction since age 10, and I've been in hundreds of peoples houses to do remodeling jobs. I can say with 100% certainty that i have seen just as many lazy slob boomers as I have millennials. I remember many of the "greatest generation" (boomers parents typically), (sometimes grandparents) and they were far and above harder working in general than either of the other two generations. No one can choose when they are born, or how they are raised.

Care to elaborate on your comment? Weaker how? Physically, mentally?
38 years old
work two jobs
have not started my propane furnace in over ten years
Sell firewood as a hobby and some of my customers don't own a chainsaw and heat entirely with wood so Im actually processing enough wood for several families each year.
People that know me probably wouldn't use lazy to describe myself lol
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers."

~Socrates (469-399 B.C.)

My bosses son who is 19 started swearing at his dad the other day as well as telling him to do a few other things. I thought to my self I have never swore at my parents and the thought would never cross my mind. The kid is super lazy and looks at his phone every 2 minutes. He didnt graduate high school because he didnt feel the need to go. I get the idea that that's what people think millennials are.
My bosses son who is 19 started swearing at his dad the other day as well as telling him to do a few other things. I thought to my self I have never swore at my parents and the thought would never cross my mind. The kid is super lazy and looks at his phone every 2 minutes. He didnt graduate high school because he didnt feel the need to go. I get the idea that that's what people think millennials are.
I agree. A lot of people think millennial, and think teenager, or very early twenties, when in reality there are actually 2 generations after millennials. Oldest millennials are turning 40 this year. Like I said I know lazy people from multiple generations.
32 year's old always with wood now cut for 5 or so other households as well as sell abit to fund the adiction that is...20191114_205401.jpg
90 percent is cut with 10 series Mac's.

3 year old boy loves the Mac's too20191127_173248.jpg

I like what was said before about the lazy millennials... we are living in the bed the generation before made for us soo. And I know plenty sh!ty excuses for humans from that generation too
My bosses son who is 19 started swearing at his dad the other day as well as telling him to do a few other things. I thought to my self I have never swore at my parents and the thought would never cross my mind. The kid is super lazy and looks at his phone every 2 minutes. He didnt graduate high school because he didnt feel the need to go. I get the idea that that's what people think millennials are.

I know a few of those types, and I think it has more to do with bad parenting than it does being born in a particular generation. I mean, older generations want to complain about Millennials, then they really ought to be complaining to those who raised them! I would agree that a generation can have collective or associative mindsets due to cultural and or sociopolitical influences, but to generalize an entire generation of people based off of a stereotype is asinine.

Then again, some people just need something to complain about, and it's easy (and cliche) to pick on Millennials these days...
29 here. In my house since 22 and heating exclusively with wood, 8-12 cords a year. Depends on what I can get my hands on. Have an outdoor wood boiler so I'll burn pine where others won't, I just get to do a little more work. Shhhh dont tell anyone, I may work with natural gas for a living.

Grew up with wood heat only and as an only child did a good amount to help. Hated every second of it then but actually enjoy it now. It does get hard with 2 young ones to find time to do it. Guess I'll be the one to post a pic of their setup.


Had a former co worker complaining about his “millennial” daughter to me. After a few minutes I asked him “isn’t she a teenager?” He said “ yeah, she’s 17. I kind of laughed, and said you do realize I’m a “millennial”, and have a soon to be 15 year old right?” “Your daughter isn’t a “millennial”, she’s the next generation. I’m fully convinced anyone under about age 40 is considered a “millennial” by the vast majority of the population. It’s the never ending generation. My grandkids we be called millennials probably one day. Terms like millennial are so stupid. Your either a decent hard working person or your not, regardless of age.
You’ll always have a large number of youth who are punks. Lack of work ethic, respect, and accountability as well as overwhelming sense of entitlement is nothing new.

The problem (at least as I see it) is the foundations in society that provide the building blocks to teach youth what they need are being removed so it’s that much more difficult to acquire those skills.
You’ll always have a large number of youth who are punks. Lack of work ethic, respect, and accountability as well as overwhelming sense of entitlement is nothing new.

The problem (at least as I see it) is the foundations in society that provide the building blocks to teach youth what they need are being removed so it’s that much more difficult to acquire those skills.

I remember in high school being told by the guidance counselor that I wasnt smart enough to be an auto mechanic. My dad was one and owned his own shop with no college in auto mechanics. So here I am an HVAC guy who went to college graduated with college degree in applied science which did nothing for me. These counselors need to stop telling kids to go to college and not do skilled trades. I will never get fired because there's no one to replace me and I'm 30. I see the way these kids grow up now a days and I get worried about my kids. I'm probably to hard on my son but I do not want one of these kids who treats me like $hit and lives in my house until hes 35.
I remember in high school being told by the guidance counselor that I wasnt smart enough to be an auto mechanic. My dad was one and owned his own shop with no college in auto mechanics. So here I am an HVAC guy who went to college graduated with college degree in applied science which did nothing for me. These counselors need to stop telling kids to go to college and not do skilled trades. I will never get fired because there's no one to replace me and I'm 30. I see the way these kids grow up now a days and I get worried about my kids. I'm probably to hard on my son but I do not want one of these kids who treats me like $hit and lives in my house until hes 35.
My brother in law and I were just talking about that last part. I will not have an adult kid living with me and my wife. (Well maybe my youngest son could stay, he’s very clean and hardly eats. ;)) But we agree with that, they need to enter society and he productive.