Any one require steel toes?

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Ya i know Iron Workers..are not required actually is looked down upon the best i know...
it goes down the princpal of...well a 1200 pound beam is gonna crush and break all your toes...or the steel toe will cut them all off..

How about all the smaller stuff that might drop on your tootsies. Isn't this the same group of people that prided themselves on using no fall arrest until very recent years? It is a testosterone fueled thing largely, totally overcome by a boss with gonads that does not let the inmates run the prison.

Not in ironworker here, but told a labourer that works for me from an agency that he was going to have a new pair of CSA approved boots this week. His are falling apart.
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I require them from all my workers. If you show up without them, I will not pay for your medical bills. ;)
I think if you saw the stats on the amount of pressure needed to perform that (unless the boots were in bad shape beforehand) amputation youd find the toes would have been totally lost anyhow. I have heard many myths about guys loosing toes in steelcaps, have yet to actually meet anyone who has done it.Mine have saved my toes many times.
Its like guys who claim a seatbelt will kill them, or a crash helmet. Steelcaps, seatbelts, and crash helmets will save you or reduce injury 999,999,999 (or at a guess something like that) times to every once they hurt you.

I use steel toes my self but as for seatbelts and helmets....never.I rolled my 4 wheeler and walked away from it and guess what no helmet.Just one heck of a headache.
ATH;733119 I guess I should re-word the question...any chance safety toes might help prevent this?[/QUOTE said:
Don't know about prevent but it does slow down how fast the chain reaches your toes thus giving you a little more time to react. I wear safety toes year around and especially in winter for that very reason-too easy to loose your feet in the snow.
I require them from all my workers. If you show up without them, I will not pay for your medical bills. ;)

Where I work, if you show up without them, you are going home for the day. The second I suspect you would be let go, though most would get the message the first time. In this mine/plant you also wear gloves period; provided free the warehouse offers a choice of about 20 different kinds.

It is amazing what is provided here by the employer: I have been given CSA approved boots(once a year), two Nomex coveralls, a hard hat, two pairs of safety glasses, gloves, a surveyors safety vest, ear plugs, a cell phone, a ????????, and have been fitted for a winter Nomex ensemble, winter safety boots(packs),jacket and bibs, all safety related. If one's position requires me, eg fall arrest, they pay for it. No excuse for not wearing it period.
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I never wore them until I broke my toe while up in a tree. I was cutting a piece of Locust which was about 5 inch diameter and 18 inches long. The piece fell on my foot while I was standing on a stub.
Nothing more aggrevating than a broken toe, I broke the big one on my right foot in 1978 playing soccer, and 29 years later there is no joint left. And broken bones in your foot take a long time to heal, and they never heal to the poin they were before injury. ANYTHING I can do do prevent injury to my feet is worth it as I also have arthritis and am prone to gout there especially. Your feet will thank you when you are pushing 50.
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Where I work, if you show up without them, you are going home for the day. The second I suspect you would be let go, though most would get the message the first time. In this mine/plant you also wear gloves period; provided free the warehouse offers a choice of about 20 different kinds.

It is amazing what is provided here by the employer: I have been given CSA approved boots(once a year), two Nomex coveralls, a hard hat, two pairs of safety glasses, gloves, a surveyors safety vest, ear plugs, a cell phone, a M O T O R O L A , and have been fitted for a winter Nomex ensemble, winter safety boots(packs),jacket and bibs, all safety related. If one's position requires me, eg fall arrest, they pay for it. No excuse for not wearing it period.

???????? = M O T O R O L A
any thoughts about cutting your toes when limbing stuff up on the ground?
:) :D
I guess I should re-word the question...any chance safety toes might help prevent this?

Well maybe not prevent, but it sure saves your toes when it happens, and I even got the boot's that proofs it :(