I am not a small engine technician, but I did work a summer in a lawnmower service shop a few years ago. Some of the things I learned there are:
90% of small engine problems are fuel related.
Most small engine's carbs are cheaper to replace than rebuild.
All gas will set up as varnish, but ethanol has a very short shelf life.
Fuel Stabilizers work (especially Seafoam) but fuel must be kept clean and dry.
Running you fuel tank dry will sometimes cause it to suck trash in the fuel tank into your lines, filter, and carb.
Pulling the fuel bowl to check the float, needle, and seat is worth it, but if varnish is set up in the tiny passages, replace the carb.
Internet advice is usually a shot in the dark. None of us have seen or touched your machine so at best we are guessing based on experience. Don't spend money or time based on what we say. You are the one who has to decide.