Any suggestions ?

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 23, 2005
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I have a 1997 GMC Topkick 5500 with an automatic Allison Transmission. I bought an Asplundh chip box with dump cylinder attached + two cut hoses. There is a plate on the side of the trany. What parts do I need and where can I get them used? Any suggestions? Thanks :dizzy:
Can anyone at least point me in the right direction or connect me with someone who knows. It would be greatly appreciated.
lumberjach said:
Is this something I would want to buy used and if so where?
Hey your not far from me. I don't know whether they still do stuff like that or not but OG Hughes in Knoxville used to. They specialize in work trucks building utility beds, welding trucks and stuff like your talking about. They have been around along time and do quality work, I just don't know if they still do that. They used to install Tommy lifts, same principle if you think about it.
I bought a used GMC Diesel with Allison auto and you can bolt a regular PTO to side of trans. I have had electric dumps but like the positive gear drive pump off PTO. You can get either a PTO with hyd pump made right on it or a PTO with driveshaft to remote pump. Good Luck